Dear readers: Please note that some of the materials included in the homilies on this website have been borrowed and some are original. May these homilies help you in your spiritual journey. Recent Posts The Feast of the Holy Family. 12-29-2024 I Done It For Love. 12-25-2024 A Tho...
THE HOMILY MESSAGE IN THE ORDINARY TIME DURING THE CYCLE B LITURGICAL YEAR (Oredzie homilijne w okresie zwyklym w ciagu roku cyklu B) LECTIONARYGOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST MARKLITURGICAL YEAROne of the reasons of a lesser efficiency of preaching in homilies is the fact that every Sunday the .....
with homilies and a cattle prod, by Aunt Lydia (a coolly imperious Ann Dowd). “This may not seem ordinary to you right now,” she tells them. “But after a time it will.”