So this is the time of year when in our liturgical calendar we find ourselves thinking a lot about what theologically we would call the last things. More popularly people will refer to the end of the world, although that specific phrase is not found in the Scriptures. But obviously the ide...
he says, "May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." Here, and throughout many of the liturgical prayers of
THE HOMILY MESSAGE IN THE ORDINARY TIME DURING THE CYCLE B LITURGICAL YEAR (Oredzie homilijne w okresie zwyklym w ciagu roku cyklu B) LECTIONARYGOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST MARKLITURGICAL YEAROne of the reasons of a lesser efficiency of preaching in homilies is the fact that every Sunday the .....
For my part, I had the great honor of giving a boy his 1st Holy Communion. Here is what I offered today. I winged part of it, but it seemed to engage. The 1st communicant was really tuned in. What a privilege. Audio Player