Summertime is the top season to say “I do,” which means lots of demand for tans, hair, nails, makeup, and scheduled luxury time. Every wedding party needs beautifying treatments to look their best in all the photos from the day. Meevo’s innovative spa and salon software allows you to...
Hair comes, goes, and grows just like the year’s seasons. Therefore, there’s always time for exploration and trying a new doo. From getting bangs to bringing back a mullet from the 80s to trying a new hair color, trying a new hairstyle is a great way to glow up. Not only will y...
Check Out Our Spring Specials Online! 4600 Greenville Ave. - Ste. 110 - Dallas, Texas 75206 (214) 696-BABY www.BloomingBaby.c2o22m9 9spring/summer 2012 dallaschild | baby parpimreeermie words sandra glahn htthhoeowudgtoohcttdoweraeslrawenyidtohtuhyroofsureirewbnahdbosyy, ou 10 dallas...
But once you come in from all that fun in the sun, your skin and hair may need a little pampering, so it’s a great time to take advantage of the Miami Spa Month specials that will be offered by some of the area’s best spas and salons. The heart of the Miami summer is also m...
4, No. 29 - July 17, 2014 Inside Summer Fun for All Ages This Issue Business Briefs...2 Calendar...3 Certified & Licensed Professionals...10 Classifieds...4 Crossword/Sudoku...4 Food...5 Legals...9 Pets..
It actually took less time for Paul to drive across, even given the oversized vehicle that needed to be searched, than it had taken to walk across the day before. Oh Homeland Insecurity. Now that all the plastic surgery and spa treatments are done, we're moving some things aboard. The...