Summer brings unique beauty challenges. Warm, humid weather often means frizzy hair and more skin showing. Clients may want a short, fresh haircut to defeat the heat or a full-body wax so they can confidently wear a swimsuit all summer. Use these top five summer marketing trends for spas ...
Hair comes, goes, and grows just like the year’s seasons. Therefore, there’s always time for exploration and trying a new doo. From getting bangs to bringing back a mullet from the 80s to trying a new hair color, trying a new hairstyle is a great way to glow up. Not only will y...
TX 75201 • 214-969-9995 baby registry © 19spring/summer 2012 dallaschild | baby Maternity Infant to Pre-Teen Clothing School Uniforms Locally Made Hair Bows, Bow Holders & Accessories Natural Hair Care Products for Kids Learning Toys Baby Bedding & Equipment Christening Items Personalized Bloo...
Having been wandering San Diego County for a week now, we're taking a break with some friends near Shelter Island to celebrate the holiday . . . and wash clothes and hair and vacuum Lula. Don't worry, we do have more than one week's worth of underwear with us! Paul has been tuning...
Coleman Hawkins’ landmark recording of Johnny Green’s “Body and Soul” is from 1939 . . She Cries Of Voice she steps into the music, a beauty of voice within a voice releasing her signature of jazz melting into the microphone,
Straight from the runways and our favourite celebrity manicurists, we’ve put together the top manicure trends to give you inspiration for your next salon appointment.