Welcome toCampStaff! Connecting Camps and Staff Since 1996 Photo Credit: IHC I Am a Camp Looking for StaffOne low annual or monthly membershipRegister Now!Learn more!Photo Credit: Camp Laurel I Am Looking for a Camp JobIt’s free...what are you waiting for?Register Now!Learn more!
Best summer camp nurse jobs and best summer camps in America and Canada. Summer jobs for rn, lpn, student nurse, doctors, health care administrators.
我们的工作是在一个summer camp里做助教,那里都是六到十岁的小孩子,平时父母上班没时间在家里照顾,所以来这里和同龄的孩子们一起玩。这里的staff也很年轻,看着 他们熟练地哄那些哭闹的小女孩,教训淘气的不好好站队的小男孩以为已经有至少三四年“教龄”了,没想到都是我们的同龄人,甚至还有 高中刚毕业的学生。
Learn about Stagedoor Manor's jobs. We are a theatre summer camp for kids ages 10-18 located in Lock Sheldrake, NY. Our program is designed for youth interested in intensive exposure to the world of theatre, in a Summer Stock-style setting.
Summer Camp JobsSummer camps are always on the lookout for talented team members to help set up and run camp! If you're interested in a summer camp job, check out our job postings to find available positions in your area.Click a State or Province below to begin your searchU.S. States...
It’s commonplace for a summer camp to get its staff together for an orientation week before the first camper session begins. This is paid time. Some staff travel quite a distance to their camp, which can be expensive considering the high price of gas. Try to negotiate a travel stipend du...
Since mid-January it’s been asked, ‘what can my kids do for summer camp?’ and ‘where is the best summer camp?’ Well, Lake Country Family Fun has put their ear to the ground and brought you the annual super resourceful and handy Summer Camp Guide! Below you will find the annual...
Camp Skits Camp Staff Resources Camp Videos Campfire Stories Ice Breakers Ropes Course Activities Team Building Activities List of 30 Camp Activities from Ultimate Camp Resource Icebreakers and Name Games 1. Stand up, Sit down 2. Toilet Paper Name Game 3. Chicken Picks 4. Postman 5. Trust Wa...
Want to work at a summer camp? Visit CampPage to find summer camps that are hiring throughout the US & Canada. Find your perfect camp job & apply today!
Every camp needs a team of Summer Camp Support Staff working behind the scenes to make sure everyone has the best summer possible!