Workshops at this camp could cover a variety of innovative teaching strategies, such as incorporatinggames into learning, flipped classroom methods, or effective ways to facilitate group discussions. These workshops not only offer new ideas for educators to take back to their classrooms, but also cre...
Looking for summer camp ideas?Family Fun Halifax’s Summer Camp Guidehas ideas for everyone. Kick Up Some Fun with Royal City Soccer Club Summer Camps Need a summer camp for your soccer fan that will be fun and will help their skills? Look no further than Royal City Soccer Club Summer Ca...
"IDEAS, as a leading camp education organization in China, is very professional workplace. I have served both as a group counselor and a counselor supervisor at IDEAS. I can realize my personal values and gain recognit...
Lake Country Family Fun has put together a Summer Camp Guide to Lake Country. We hope you find the perfect camp for your kids!
Camp counselors, young and bold, Bringing laughter, joy, and stories untold. Guiding campers through the day, Making memories that will never fade away. In the sun and in the rain, They lead games, arts, and outdoor terrain. With a smile and a song in their heart, ...
LEGO Challenge Ideas for Summer Camp! Incorporate some of these LEGO challenge ideas into your summer camp theme. MARBLE RUN Pin Use bricks to make your very own marble run! Design and build your creation, and then play! BUILD A DAM Pin Learn all about water dams with this fun bricks ...
2.IDEAS·Rookie Camp Camp Info :7-10Yrs | Qinhuangdao/Beijing Positions :Group Counselor/Activity Counselor Deion :Enthusiastic | Responsible | Do-er Dates : 2023.06.18-06.23|2023.06.25-06.30 2023.07.10-07.15|2023.07.16-07.21 2023.07.23-07.28|2023.07.30-08.04 ...
Group Games Here are some of our favorite ideas for Summer Camp activities. 11. Alaskan Baseball Start with 2 teams. One team is given a throwable object, their team then forms a circle around them and that person throws the object. After he has thrown the object then he goes around the...
2024. Themes and camp names are based on ages: Sea Squirts (ages 5-6), Neptune’s Mysteries (ages 6-7), Buccaneer Adventures (ages 7-8), Ocean Discovery (ages 8-9), Shipwreck Hunters (ages 9-11), Coastal Explorers (ages 11-13), and Marine Science Internship Academy (ages 14-17)...
ski boats, inflatables, all the gear you’ll need to explore the lake’s 30,000 acres. Find bargains during the April/October low season or the May and late August value weeks. The smallest houseboat starts at $730 for two nights, double that for mid-summer. Campsites begin ...