Joseph accuses them of being spies and of coming to see where the land is unprotected. Here, they say they are the sons of one man and how one is not with them and one is dead. Joseph says that one must stay with them while the rest return home to fetch the younger brother in ord...
“and by the will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body ofJesusChrist once and for all” and verse 14, “For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.” If one is already holy as Scripture points out, is it necessary to delve ...
The book gets its name from the nation of Israel’s mass emigration from Egypt, but that’s only the first part of the story. This book follows Israel out of Egypt into the desert, where the nation is specifically aligned with God (as opposed to the idols of Egypt and the surrounding ...
Back in Genesis, God made a pact with Abraham, saying that one day, his descendants would inherit the land of Canaan, and through those people all the nations of the world would be blessed. Furthermore, God promises to bless those who bless Abraham and curse those who curse Abraham. The ...
In 621 King Josiah instituted far-reaching reforms based upon a book discovered in the Temple of Jerusalem in the course of building repairs, which was probably Deuteronomy or some part of it. Josiah’s reforms included the purification of worship from pagan practices, the centralization of all ...
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