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16. Every male must offer, as he is able, at these three feasts18. Of judges and justice21. Asherah poles and images are forbiddenStudy Bible Book ◦ Chapter Do not deny justice or show partiality.This command emphasizes the importance of fairness and impartiality in judgment, reflecting ...
Deuteronomy 161. The feast of the Passover9. of weeks13. of tabernacles16. Every male must offer, as he is able, at these three feasts18. Of judges and justice21. Asherah poles and images are forbiddenStudy Bible Book ◦ Chapter You are to appointThe Hebrew root for "appoint" is ...
16“Youwill becursed in the city and cursed in the field. Read full chapter Deuteronomy 28:14-16 New International Version 14Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left,following other gods and serving them. ...
Moses did not add 'brother Israelite', because they understood what he was talking about based upon what he had said just a few moments earlier in Chapter 17. The context is the same for both. The future prophet had to be a fellow Israelite....
(本次网上提供的版本为新译本。欢迎大家自己使用自己熟悉的和合本,NIV1984,ESV或NASB等) 32:48就在那一天,耶和华对摩西说:49“你要上这亚巴琳山去,就是尼波山,在耶利哥对面的摩押地,观看我赐给以色列人为业的迦南地。50你必死在你登上的山上,归到你的族人那里去,像你的哥哥亚伦死在何珥山上,归到他的族人...
Deuteronomy 14:5The precise identification of some of the birds and animals in this chapter is uncertain. 申命記 14 Chinese Union Version (Traditional) 14你 們是耶和華─你們神的兒女。不可為死人用刀劃身 , 也不可將額上剃光。 2因 為你歸耶和華─你神為聖潔的民 , 耶和華從地上的萬民中揀選你特...
In Chapter 18 the offices of priest and prophet are included in the civil law since, Israel being a theocracy, these men were part of the government. Chapter 19 begins the section of laws governing social life, which are the detailed application of the last six commandments. ...
Deuteronomy 16:9-22 Meaning and Commentary INTRODUCTION TO DEUTERONOMY 16 This chapter treats of the three grand yearly festivals, of the feast of passover, when, where, and what was to be sacrificed, how to be dressed, and in what manner to be eaten, De 16:1-8, of the feast of ...
15:22 ("advisers" in NIV). For the Ugaritic, see KTU 1.20:I.4; Korpel, 271. 71 Note the translation "counsel" instead of "council" in the KJV here as another example of how the linguistic parallels with the ancient near eastern "council" terminology are missed. 72 Ibid., 207. ...