1400–50;late Middle English<Medieval Latin;Latin:sum Discover More Compare Meanings How doessummacompare to similar and commonly confused words? Explore the most common comparisons: Magna vs. summa Discover More Example Sentences Michael Bernstein, a spokesman for Summa Health, a hospital system in...
1.(Theology)medieval Christianity theola compendium of theology, philosophy, or canon law, or sometimes of all three together. TheSumma Theologicaof St Thomas Aquinas, written between 1265 and 1274, was the most famous of all such compendia ...
SUMMA THEOLOGICA VOLUME 7 LATIN EDITION 出版社:BOOK ON DEMAND POD 页数:0 ISBN:9785879343168 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 + 加入购书单
The proof for the necessary existent thatAvicenna presents in hisBook of theCure,which is the text that Latin scholars at this time would have known, startsfrom encounters with possible or‘contingent beings’.These are beingsthat didnot have to exist,and which cannot thereforebethe sourceoftheir...
and Maximus, mediated throughJohn, turn outto be par-ticularlysignificant for theSumma Halensis,asdoJohn’sown contributions to theIconoclast controversy.John’sDe fide orthodoxaorExpositio fidei,theSumma’ssource, exists in two Latin translations:areasonablyaccurate one by Burgundioof Pisa, probablyda...
1.(Theology)medieval Christianity theola compendium of theology, philosophy, or canon law, or sometimes of all three together. TheSumma Theologicaof St Thomas Aquinas, written between 1265 and 1274, was the most famous of all such compendia ...
1.(Theology)medieval Christianity theola compendium of theology, philosophy, or canon law, or sometimes of all three together. TheSumma Theologicaof St Thomas Aquinas, written between 1265 and 1274, was the most famous of all such compendia ...
Alexander of Hales,Doctoris irrefragabilisAlexandri deHales Ordinis minorum Summa theologica(SH), 4vols (Quaracchi: Collegium S.Bonaventurae, 1924–48),VolI,PrologusGeneralis:‘To ta chris-tianae fidei disciplina pertinet ad duo: ad fidem et intelligentiam Conditoris et fidem atque...