The Summa Theologica (or the Summa Theologiae or simply the Summa, written 1265–1274) is the most famous work of Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225–1274) although it was never finished. It was intended as a manual for beginners and a compilation of all of the main theological teachings of that ...
The Summa Theologica (orig. Summa Theologiae) was written by St. Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century. It is the magnum opus of St. Thomas' body of work and is still regarded as one of the most precise, detailed collections of Christian theology. It's contents are famous for being extremel...
Norm, Virtue and Information: Individual Behaviour and the Just Price in Thomas Aquinas' Summa theologica This paper aims at putting forward the analytical stake of the few passages that Thomas Aquinas devotes to prices and exchange, mainly in the Summa Theolog... A Lapidus - Post-Print 被引...
This paper aims at putting forward the analytical stake of the few passages that Thomas Aquinas devotes to prices and exchange, mainly in the Summa Theologiae. At first sight, his objective is to enlighten a confessor vis-脿-vis his penitent, or the judge in an ecclesiastical tribunal, by ...
The greatly influentialSumma theologicaof St. Thomas Aquinas, composed ca. 1266-1272, was divided into three parts, of which the first treated God, the second man, and the third Christ. The second part was itself subdivided into a first part, concerning the last end of man and human action...
1:Leonardo Sileo,Teorie della scienza teologica:‘Quaestio de ScientiaTheologicae’di Odo Rigaldiealtri testi inediti (1230–1250),2vols, Studia Antoniana, 27(Roma:PontificiumAthenaeum Antonianum, 1984), 2:77–112.Prologus, q. 3:León Amoros,‘La teologia como ciencia practica en la escuela ...
Fromtheperspective oftheafterlifeof thesetextshowever,theSummaHalensisappears to lackentirelythekindof authority enjoyed by thewidelyusedSummaTheologiaeof St ThomasAquinaswhichhasrepeatedlygeneratednewformsof receptiondownto thepresentday. In contrast, thisFranciscantexthasremainedlargely in its originalLatinand...
Alexander of Hales,Doctoris irrefragabilisAlexandri deHales Ordinis minorum Summa theologica(SH), 4vols(Quaracchi: Collegium S. Bonaventurae, 1924–48),VolII, In1,Tr2, Q2,Ti5,C1(n. 72),pp. 96–7. The definition of locus attributedto Aristotle on p. 96 reads,‘Locus est terminus...
Alexander of Hales,Doctoris irrefragabilisAlexandri deHales Ordinis minorum Summa theologica(SH),4vols (Quaracchi: Collegii S.Bonaventurae, 1924–48)VolI,P1, In2,Tr1, Q4,C7(n. 326),pp.479b-80a.TheReceptionofJohnofDamascusintheSummaHalensis73 thatnaturallyinclinestothesupremegood,...