Summa Theologica Book ISaint Aquinas Thomas
deeply reflective of Aristotle's views on these matters. On matters where Aristotle is generally silent (e.g., God), St. Thomas utilizes Aristotelian principles to make new arguments. This is perhaps clearest in his arguments for the existence of God in his magnum opus, Summa Theologica. ...
FIRST EDITION of any part of theSumma theologica, and THE SECOND BOOK PRINTED IN STRASSBURG. Although there has been much discussion of the nature of Gutenberg's secret work when he lived in Strassburg in the 1430s and 1440s, there is no evidence that printing was introduced into the city ...
Summa Universae Theologicae Christianae Secundum Unitarios的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在这本书的论坛里发言 + 加入购书单 谁读这本书? ··· 二手市场 ··· 在豆瓣转让 手里有一本闲着? 订阅关于Summa Universae Theologicae Christianae Secundum Unitarios的评论: feed: rss...
Victorin Doucet,‘Prolegomena in librum III necnon in librosIet II“Su mmaeFratris Alexandri”,’inDoctoris irrefragabilisAlexandri de Hales Ordinis minorum Summa theologica,vol. 4(Quaracchi:Collegium S.Bonaventurae, 1948), 307; cf. 167.William ofAuxerre,SummaAurea,l.1,t.9,...
PeterAbelard,Theologia Christiana3.181.2228, inPetriAbaelardi operatheologica,vol. 2, ed. E.M.Buytaert,Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis,12(Turnhout: Brepols,1969),263:‘Tribusitaque seu quatuor modis ac pluribus fortassis hoc nomen‘persona’sumitur,alitervidelicetatheo-logis, ...
Our optical glucose sensing technique using the optical rotatory effect of glucose will have many advantages over currently existing invasive and non-invasive methods, since the method is based on shining a brief pulse of light into the side of the eye.Jörn Stanko...
Alexander of Hales,Doctoris irrefragabilisAlexandri deHales Ordinisminorum Summa theologica(SH), 4vols (Quaracchi: Collegium S. Bonaventurae, 1924–48),VolIV, P1, In1,Tr1, Q2,Ti2 (n.23), Adoppositum1, p. 42.Alexander of Hales,Qu. disp.,q.15, d. 2, m. 4, 46...
’²³As farasthe discussionof beautyis concerned, thedependenceofAlbert’sSummaTheologicaon theSummaHalensisis alsostriking.Firstof all,thestructureof Albert’sSummaTheologica2, tract11, question62²⁴is almostidenticalto thatofSH2discussed below.²⁵Both have sectionson the‘evilof ...
’²⁰Although Chazan wasfollowedin hisrenderingbyotherscholars, suchas JeremyCohen,²¹Ibelievethattheirreadingismisleading,notonlybecausethetexthas‘disperdendi’andnot‘dispergendi’,thatis to say,Alexander of Hales,DoctorisirrefragabilisAlexandride Hales OrdinisminorumSummatheologica(SH)...