The SUMIF function in Google Sheets plays a vital role in summing values based on specific criteria. However, users often encounter challenges in understanding its syntax and operation. They struggle to select and sum values based on certain conditions or criteria without relying on specialized funct...
Part 1: What Is the SUMIF and SUMIFS Function in Google Sheets? SUMIF 1. SUMIF Function: The SUMIF function in Google Sheets is useful when you want to sum values based on a specific condition or criteria. It adds up values in a range that meet a specified criterion. Syntax: =SUMIF...
The basic syntax is =SUMIF (range, criterion, [sum_range]) SUMIF has three arguments; The range of cells to apply the criteria to. The criteria applied, including a logical operator if applicable The sum_range or range that is summed. With the SUMIF function, Google Sheets scans through...
The syntax of the SumIf function in Google Sheets is as follows: =SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range]) Range: The range of cells that you want to evaluate. Criteria: The criteria that you want to use to determine which cells to sum up. Sum_range: The range of cells that you want ...
Now that you know the nuts and bolts of the SUMIF function in Google Sheets, it may be a good idea to make a short summary of what you've already learned. 1. SUMIF can evaluate only one condition The syntax of the SUMIF function allows for only onerange, onecriterionand onesum_rang...
SUMIF Function Syntax =SUMIF(range, criterion, [sum_range]) It has two mandatory arguments and one optional argument. range The range is the data that you want to test with your criterion. If the third argument (sum_ragne) is omitted then this range will also be used for the sum. ...
Generate Syntax and Arguments: The Syntax for the SUMIF Formula is: =SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range) Function Arguments ( Inputs ): range– The range containing the criteria that determines which numbers to sum. criteria– The criteria indicating when to sum. Example: “<50” or “apples”...
The syntax of the SUMIF function has room for only one condition. To sum with multiple criteria, either use theSUMIFSfunction (adds up cells that meet all the conditions) or build aSUMIF formula with multiple OR criteria(sums cells that meet any of the conditions). ...
Method 1 – Application of SUMIF Function in Excel ⏩Overview of SUMIF Function The SUMIF functionis used for summing numerical values based on criteria assigned over a specific range. Thesyntaxof this function is: =SUMIF (range, criteria, [sum_range]) ...
The SUMIF Function Syntax in Google Sheets. There are three arguments used in SUMIF for Google Sheets: =SUMIF(range, condition, sum_range) Here is what each argument means in this formula: range:This is the cell or the cell range to test to see if they meet a specific condition. ...