Part 1: What Is the SUMIF and SUMIFS Function in Google Sheets? SUMIF 1. SUMIF Function: The SUMIF function in Google Sheets is useful when you want to sum values based on a specific condition or criteria. It adds up values in a range that meet a specified criterion. Syntax: =SUMIF...
From the above example, you may have the impression that using SUMIF formulas in Google spreadsheets is so easy that you could do it with your eyes shut. In most cases, it is really so :) But still there are some tricks and non-trivial uses that could make your formulas more effective...
So, in this example, the formula=SUMIF(D2:10, "March", B2:B10), Google Sheets will sum only the values within C2:C10 when the cells in the range D2:D10 equal "March." More on SUMIF SUMIF is a pre-existing function in Google Sheets and other spreadsheet tools. In simpler terms...
Note: If you actually want the SUMIF function to search for a character like “?” or “*” in the text (and not use them as special characters), then preface those with the tilde character. For example, “~?” will include the “?” character in the search text. Keep in mind tha...
ExampleSUMIFfunction, step by step: Select the cellF3 Type=SUMIF Click theSUMIFcommand Specify the range for the conditionB2:B10(the Type 1 values) Type, Specify the criteria (the cellE3, which has the value "Grass") Type, Specify the range for the sumC2:C10(the Total values) ...
Google Sheets - sumif 在行和列上使用条件 我有一个如下所示的电子表格 表格1 ID/Month| May |June| July |August| September |October ID101| 30 |50| 50 |80| 20 |60ID201| 20 |30| 10 |40| 30 |50ID101| 10 |50| 60 |80| 70 |20ID301| 20 |80| 70 |40| 40 |70ID101| 30 |...
SumIf in Google Sheets Example To get a sense of how useful SumIf can be with large data sets, let’s take a look at a more in-depth example. In this instance, you need the SumIf statement to use data from multiple sheets. Suppose you have a list of employees and their correspondin...
在Google Sheets中使用`SUMIF`函数时,通常我们会针对一个连续的范围进行条件求和。然而,如果你需要对不连续的范围进行操作,可以通过以下几种方法实现: ### 方法一:使用多个`SUM...
Google Sheets has many premade formulas, called functions.Functions are typed by = and the functions name.For example =SUMOnce you have typed the function name you need to apply it to a range.For example =SUM(A1:A5)The range is always inside of parentheses....
Although looking at the formula's syntax gives us a fair idea of how to use the formula, looking at the formula in action can lift your understanding. Let’s look at a few examples of the SUMIF formula in Google Sheets. Example 1: A Numeric Condition ...