If the criteria (* in our case) is entered in a separate cell, then concatenate a tilde and the cell reference, like this: =SUMIF(B2:B10, "*"&"~"&F1, C2:D10) Example 3. Sum if another cell contains text If your dataset contains various data types and you only want to sum ce...
Sumif cells begin with specific text with formula If you want to sum cells begin with a specific text, the above formula will not be available, but another formula here can help you. Please enter this formula: =SUMIF(A2:A13,"KTE*",B2:B13) into a blank cell to output the result, ...
For example, here, I want to sum all cells which adjacent cells are not equal to the text “Apple”, the following formula can help you. Enter this formula: =SUMIF(A2:A20,"<>apple",B2:B20) into a blank cell where you want to output the result, and then press Enter key, you wil...
criteria1- the first condition that must be met, required. You can supply the criteria in the form of a number, logical expression, cell reference, text or another Excel function. For example you can use criteria such as 10, ">=10", A1, "cherries" or TODAY(). criteria_range2, criter...
How to use VLOOKUP in Excel It can often be incredibly time-consuming to search for an entry in an Excel table manually. This is where VLOOKUP comes into play. This practical function allows you to find the exact value for a specific search criterion. To ensure you can benefit from this ...
The problem is that I don’t want to have to write the last argument of the formula, I want it to be given from a cell that contains another formula (that VLOOKS up from a table that contains the different weeks of the year)
Type "=SUMIF(" into the cell. This will start the SUMIF formula. Select the range of cells that you want to search for the criteria. For example, if you want to sum up the sales for a particular product, you would select the column that contains the product names. ...
A less common but possible situation could be when you have to get the sum of all the cells where another cell contains the * character.The problem with this is that when I use an asterisk symbol as a criteria in my SUMIF or SUMIFS function, it would be treated as a wild card ...
We have created a reference to the cell range A2:A5. This range contains the product names (and we want to sum up the sales for apples only). So our range is the “Products” column. Next, define the criteria based on which Excel must sum the values. ...
Turns out that the syntax for SUMIF, when you're referencing the content of a cell, just isn't quite as straightforward as you might expect. Here's what I discovered: A value from another cell can be included incriteriausingconcatenation. In the example below, SUMIF will return the sum...