Method 3 – Apply Excel SUMIFS Function with Specific Text Steps: Type the formula in Cell C14: =SUMIFS(C5:C11,B5:B11,"*Shirt*") Hit the Enter key. This is the result. Read More: Sum If a Cell Contains Text in Excel (6 Suitable Formulas) Method 4 – Use of SUMIFS with Multiple...
Also read:Compare Two Columns in Excel (for matches & differences) SUM When a String Appears Anywhere in the Cell Now, let’s look at an example where you want to get the sum of cells where a specific text string can appear anywhere in the cell. Below, I have a data set where I h...
Hi! The SUMIF function cannot get an array of values from a cell. You can use a cell reference that contains only one value. For example, =SUM(SUMIF(C2:C9, A1, D2:D9),SUMIF(C2:C9, A2, D2:D9)) where A1 - John. A2 - Mike You can use the TEXTSPLIT function which will ...
=SUMIF(A2:A8, "<>bananas", C2:C8)Sum values in cells C2:C8 if a cell in column A contains any value other than "bananas". If a cell contains "bananas" together with some other words or characters like "yellow bananas" or "bananas yellow", such cells are summed. Sum if cell does...
=CELL("width",B1): 该公式得到B列的列宽,其中第二个参数只要是B列单元格就可以。向右填充,当公式所在列隐藏时,列宽返回值为0。 =SUMIF($B$11:$G$11,">0",B2:G2) SUMIF函数的第一个参数为$B$11:$G$11,公式向下填充时,引用区域永远是辅助行所在区域;第二个参数,即求和条件是“>0”,也就是$B...
1. In the above formula, A2:A20 is the column contains the criteria that you want to sum based on, “apple” is the criteria which sum cells based on, B2:B20 is the column cells that you want to sum. 2. If you need to sum cells which not equal to multiple specific values, for...
(1)单击“公式”—“定义名称”,输入名称“color”(名称须是唯一的,不能与已有名称相同)。引用位置处输入公式“=get.cell(63,sheet3!b3)”。 Get.cell()是宏表函数,用于获取单元格的某类信息。具体信息类型由数字指定,数字范围1~66。其中,63代表单元格背景颜色。
TheSUMIFfunction will return the sum of specific cells fromrange D5:D13that match the criteria (“Yellow”) in the corresponding cells ofrange E5:E13. Read More:How to Sum If Cell Contains Number in Excel Method 3 – Create a VBA Code to Get a Sum Based on Cell Color ...
4. The following SUMIF function gives the exact same result (second argument refers to cell D1). Text Criteria Use the SUMIF function in Excel to sum cells based on text strings that meet specific criteria. Always enclose text in double quotation marks. ...
Sum cell values with multiple criteria in Excel The SUMIFS syntax as follows: SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1,[criteria_range2, criteria2],...) Sum_range: a range of cells to sum; Criteria_range1: the first range which has the criteria; criteria1: the first condition that...