在航空展中这种飞机曾用眼镜蛇动作或是动力减速展示过优异的操控性,大约在120度迎角还维持飞行高度,推力矢量系统经过测试,(也装置在后续的苏-30MKI及苏-37)使飞机可以进行几乎是零半径的转弯动作。 除了相当好的操控性外,苏-27利用很大的内部空间储存大量油料。超载设置最大航程能在内部油箱携带9,400千克油料,但...
The radar reflecting surface of T-50 fighter is less than 0.5 square meters, while that of sukhoi-30mki is close to 20 square meters. This means that the area of T-50 detected by radar is only 1 / 40 of SU-30MKI. T-50 airframe material T-50 airframe adopts the latest composite ...
The Su-27 and its variants were considerably produced, reaching a number of 809 (Su-27); near 540 (Su-30), with 18 (SU-30MKM), 134 (SU-30MKK/MK2) and 225 (SU-30MKI); 35 (Su-27K/Su-33); 107 (Su-32/34); 15 (Su-27M); 58 (SU-35S) and 4 (Su-35 for China); 1 (...