【参考译文】MKI代表“Modernizirovannyi Kommercheskiy Indiski”,意为“现代化商用印度版”。这是为印度出口的版本,由印度斯坦航空有限公司(HAL)与俄罗斯联合研制。它是苏-30家族中首个配备推力矢量控制(TVC)和前翼(鸭翼)的成员。该机型装备了来自俄罗斯、印度、法国和以色列等多国的航电系统。[140] Su-30...
然而,俄罗斯国防部对出口型苏-30MKI的性能包络印象深刻,为其自身订购了同型飞机的本土版本,即苏-30SM,这是在马来西亚苏-30MKM和阿尔及利亚MKA之后的MKI的第三种改型。根据分别于2012年3月和12月签订的两份合同,共订购了60架苏-30SM战斗机。[需要引证] On 21 September 2012, the Su-30SM performed its ...
The Su-15 was optimised for the high-altitude interception role with its fast climb-rate and high speed at high altitude but lacked look-down/shoot-down capability, even with the Su-15TM's more sophisticated Taifun radar. This eventually led to the MiG-23P, which did have look-down/shoot...
"The PAK FA will replace the earlier MiG-29 Fulcrum and Su-30 MkI Flanker aircraft." The Gsh-301 is a single barrelled 30mm cannon manufactured by Izhmash JSC, Russia. The cannon can fire 1,500 to 1,800 rounds a minute and weighs around 64kg. The R-77 missile is an air-to-air ...
Su-30MKI– A version developed in cooperation with India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Limited for the Indian Air Force (hence the acronym ‘MKI’, which stands for “Modernizirovanny, Kommercheskiy, Indiski”, or “Modernized, Commercial, Indian”). It features thrusts vectoring controls and canar...
【参考译文】当这一规格要求对于所需数量的单一飞机而言过于苛刻且成本高昂时,PFI规格被拆分为两个:轻型PFI(Lyogkyi PFI,简称LPFI)和重型PFI(Tyazholyi PFI,简称TPFI)。LPFI计划催生了米高扬米格-29,这是一种相对短程的战术战斗机,而TPFI计划则被分配给了苏霍伊设计局,该设计局最终生产出了苏-27及其各种衍生...