sugar maple leavesEthanolic crude extract prepared from autumn‐shed leaves of sugar maple ( Acer saccharum Marsh.) was recently shown to have antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas cichorii and Xanthomonas campestris pv. vitians , two bacteria causing diseases in lettuce production. In this study,...
Chui,S.Y. Zhang.Identification of selected log characteristics from computed tomography images of sugar maple logs using maximum likelihood classifier and textural analysis.Holzforschung. 2008Q. Wei, B. Leblon , Y. Chui, and S. Zhang, "Identification of selected log charac- teristics from ...
Identification of internal defect of Sugar maple logs from CT images using supervised classification methods. Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff 64 (4), 295-303.Gerson Rojas, A lfonso Condal, Robert Beauregard, et al. Hern' andez. Identification of internal defect of sugar map le logs from CT ...
CT Image Analysis for the Identification and Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Internal Log Characteristics of Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) and Black Spruce (Picea mariana).Internal log quality information helps optimize wood processing to improve product value from the logs. Computer tomography (CT) ...
Chui,S.Y. Zhang.Identification of selected log characteristics from computed tomography images of sugar maple logs using maximum likelihood classifier and textural analysis.Holzforschung. 2008WEI Q, LEBLON B, CHUI Y H, et al.Identification of selected log characteristics from computed tomography images...
Antibacterial activity of sugar maple autumn‐shed leaf extract: Identification of the active compoundAcer saccharumantibacterial compoundsgeraniinphytopathogenic bacteriaplant extractssugar maple leavestype="main" xml:lang="en">\n