Sugar companies in Kenya like many other firms in the world have used Knowledge Management Practices (KMPs') for almost six decades since 1959, to transform knowledge to enhance their performance and sustainability but have realized dismaying results as their performance consistently decline with the ...
An Analysis of the Effects of Inventory Management on the Performance of the Procurement Function of Sugar Manufacturing Companies in the Western Kenya Sugar Belt Descriptive research design, specifically a survey study was employed in carrying out the research. The target population of the study consi...
To enhance the efficiency of the sugar sector and meet the Government of Kenya and COMESA Sugar safeguard commitments, there is a plan to privatize all state sugar companies, inject more capital, diversify, and introduce early maturing cane varieties. TREASURY PLAN Treasury had written a memorandum...
Working capital management is considered to be a crucial element in determining thefinancial performance of an organization. In this study, the purpose was to investigateworking capital management practices and their effect on financial performance among thesugarcane out-grower companies in Kenya. Using ...
Vuma Biofuels hopes to uses sugar-cane biomass to provide energy for refugees in Kenya before targeting the household sector.
Kenya’s annual deficit has previously been projected to be about 350,000 tonnes, but this has so far been reduced by an increase in production over the years. [email protected]
Illegal Asian Immigrants have infiltrated the Asian companies in Kenya whose owners have managed to pocket the mandated authorities to keep off. Locals have complained now and again on the encroachment of basic jobs of which smuggled Asian nationalities have occupied. ...
“A person who imports sugar into Kenya shall, before importation, provide a sample of the sugar to be imported and pre-import verification certificate from the country of origin,” Mr Silas Tiren, who chairs the committee said. Those found in breach of the law will face a Sh10 million...
Marabu AW (2011) The potential of life cycle management for sustainable production of sugar at Mumias Sugar Company, Kenya [PhD Thesis, Kenyatta University]. Wekesa.pdf?sequence=3 MartingVidaurre NA, Vargas-Carpintero R, Wagner...
White Mountain is the sugar industry leader in offering sugar for sale to buyers, sellers, wholesalers & sugar trading companies. Keywords: sugar exporter, sugar sellers, bulk raw sugar, mexican sugar industry, wholesale price of sugar Sugar Daddy, Kurtisane, Sugar Babe, ...