West Kenya has been linked to a Kisumu-based cooperative society that is opposing the leasing of Mumias Sugar Company to Ugandan firm Sarrai Group, further exposing the rift in billionaire Rai family. Gakwamba Farmers’ Co-operative Society says in an application that West Kenya Sugar ...
The study was carried out in West Kenya Sugar Company Limited which is located in Kakamega County, Kenya. The target population for this study was drawn from a population of 2400 employees of West Kenya Sugar Company Limited out of which 220 employees were sampled for the study. 183(83.18%...
This is after the Kakamega County opposed West Kenya’s bid to lease Mumias Sugar Company arguing that the firm associated with the Rai family had previously admitted that it was struggling financially. In an application before the High Court, Kakamega County alleges that West K...
Ten key building blocks for such a policy for Nzoia Sugar Company are suggested, based on farmers' responses and ethical considerations. 展开 关键词: Commercial farming Sugarcane Ethics Sustainable livelihoods Kenya DOI: 10.1111/j.1754-0208.2010.00365.x 被引量: 16 ...
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Among the Okiek people of Kenya, who rely on the trapping and hunting of a wide variety of game, smoked meat is preserved with honey, being kept for up to 3 years13, hence, Nok vessels which contained a mixture of animal fats and beeswax in high abundances, could have been used as ...
Choose from Verve’s Streetlevel blend, or pick single origins from Kenya and Honduras. Just add 10 ounces of hot or cold liquid and it’s go time. “Forget what you thought you knew about instant coffee. We took everything that makes the perfect cup (quality coffee sourced at Farmlevel...
In order to achieve production in this country, an option may be to revive the local sugar cane distillation industry, by opening a distillery or reopening one that was closed a few years before. Such a development would increase the autonomy and long-term sustainability of this project. ...
[141]. Folk uses as antipyretic and analgesic ofA. spicatumroot extract are validated by thein vitroantimicrobial properties. In some cases, multi-component therapy has been practiced and considered as effective as Kareruet al. [142] observed in Kenya, but the present assessment considered only ...
Sugar Beet Trials in West Kenyadoi:10.1080/00128325.1963.11661882J. L. ElmerEast African Tanning Extract Co. Ltd.J. M. GosnellEast African Tanning Extract Co. Ltd.R. G. SmithEast African Tanning Extract Co. Ltd.East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal...