-T, --command-timeout=timeout terminate command after the specified time limit -U, --other-user=user in list mode, display privileges for user -u, --user=user run command (or edit file) as specified user name or ID -V, --version display version information and exit -v, --validate ...
execute a command as another user It can stand for "superuser do", as originally that is all it did however, now it might stand for "substitute user, do", because sudo can run a command as other users as well sudo cat /etc/sudoers 只有几行在生效 Defaults env_reset Defaults mail_bad...
Linux sudo 命令的应用 sodo 的字面意思理解应该是switch user excute a command as another user,用另外一个用户的权限来执行命令。如同电视剧中,皇帝派心腹大臣调查贪官污吏,但是大臣并没有皇帝的权利,到了某些时候要使用生杀予夺的权利时,就可以拿出皇帝御赐的上方宝剑来当代表皇帝来行使这些权利。 sudo 与su 的...
su - run a shell with substitute user andgroup IDs 以替代的用户运行shell。(即su之后,在当前shell上的用户身份已转变) sudo - excute a command as another user. sudo allows a permitted user to execute acommand as the superuser or another user, as specified by security policy. 以其他用户身份执...
sudo - execute a command as another user usage: sudo -h | -K | -k | -V usage: sudo -v [-AknS] [-g group] [-h host] [-p prompt] [-u user] usage: sudo -l [-AknS] [-g group] [-h host] [-p prompt] [-U user] [-u user] [command] ...
You have run your first sudo command. 3 Common sudo commands By adding sudo before any command, you can run commands with elevated permissions. You can also run commands as another user and use their environment variables. This section provides examples of common commands that often require ...
Error executing command as another user: Not authorized This incident has been reported. 怎么办?这是什么问题?其实我也不知道。正确的打开方式如下: 1、打开两个ssh终端,都是用ubuntu用户登录 2、在第一个终端输入以下命令,获取pid echo $$ 3、在第二个终端,输入: ...
18.8.1. /etc/sudoers sudo的配置文件是/etc/sudoers,visudo修改时会锁住sudoers文件,保存修改到临时文件,然后检查文件格式,确保正确后才会覆盖sudoers文件. 必须保证sudoers格式正确,否则sudo将无法运行. /etc/sudoers # /etc/sudoers # # This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root. # # Se...
sudo - execute a command as another user 用法概要 sudo -h | -K | -k | -V sudo -v [-AknS] [-g group name | #gid] [-p prompt] [-u user name | #uid] sudo -l[l] [-AknS] [-g group name | #gid] [-p prompt] [-U user name] [-u user name | #uid] [command] ...
su - run a shell with substitute user andgroup IDs 以替代的用户运行shell。(即su之后,在当前shell上的用户身份已转变) sudo - excute a command as another user. sudo allows a permitted user to execute acommand as the superuser or another user, as specified by security policy. ...