su - USERNAME -c "SHELL_COMMAND" su操作有缺陷: 如果使用root用户登录,切换至其他任何用户,均无需用户密码认证; 如果使用非root用户登录,企图切换至root用户,需要root用户的密码进行认证; sudo命令:sudo, sudoedit — execute a command as another user 以另一个用户的身份执行被授权指定的命令;大多数情况下,...
NAME sudo, sudoedit - execute a command as another user SYNOPSIS sudo(选项)(参数) -b:在后台执行指令; -h:显示帮助; -H:将HOME环境变量设为新身份的HOME环境变量; -k:结束密码的有效期限,也就是下次再执行sudo时便需要输入密码; -l:列出目前用户可执行与无法执行的指令; -p:改变询问密码的提示符号;...
su - run a shell with substitute user andgroup IDs 以替代的用户运行shell。(即su之后,在当前shell上的用户身份已转变) sudo - excute a command as another user. sudo allows a permitted user to execute acommand as the superuser or another user, as specified by security policy. 以其他用户身份执...
-U, --other-user=user in list mode, display privileges for user -u, --user=user run command (or edit file) as specified user name or ID -V, --version display version information and exit -v, --validate update user's timestamp without running a command -- stop processing command lin...
superuser sudo execute a command as another user It can stand for "superuser do", as originally that is all it did however, now it might stand for "substitute user, do", because sudo can run a command as other users as well sudo cat /etc/sudoers 只有几行在生效 Defaults env_reset De...
18.8.1. /etc/sudoers sudo的配置文件是/etc/sudoers,visudo修改时会锁住sudoers文件,保存修改到临时文件,然后检查文件格式,确保正确后才会覆盖sudoers文件. 必须保证sudoers格式正确,否则sudo将无法运行. /etc/sudoers # /etc/sudoers # # This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root. # # Se...
Error executing command as another user: Not authorized This incident has been reported. 怎么办?这是什么问题?其实我也不知道。正确的打开方式如下: 1、打开两个ssh终端,都是用ubuntu用户登录 2、在第一个终端输入以下命令,获取pid echo $$ 3、在第二个终端,输入: ...
sudo - execute a command as another user 用法概要 sudo -h | -K | -k | -V sudo -v [-AknS] [-g group name | #gid] [-p prompt] [-u user name | #uid] sudo -l[l] [-AknS] [-g group name | #gid] [-p prompt] [-U user name] [-u user name | #uid] [command] ...
Linux解释:execute a command as another user. 让用户使用另一个用户身份执行一条命令。 特点: 可管理用户的sudo使用权限,用户是否有sudo权限记录在/ect/sudoers文件中,不是每一个用户都能使用该条命令; 可管理用户sudo执行的命令范围; 可记录用户sudo执行日志,并可上传服务器; ...
Error.Failed: No session for cookie === AUTHENTICATION FAILED === Error executing command as another user: Not authorized This incident has been reported. 不行啊,发现一篇大佬的文章亲测可行记录一下防止以后再犯 远程ssh登录开两个终端,第...