1 . Create a directory for global packages mkdir"${HOME}/.npm-packages" 2. Tellnpmwhere to store globally installed packages npm config set prefix"${HOME}/.npm-packages" 3. Ensurenpmwill find installed binaries and man pages Add the following to your.bashrc/.zshrc: NPM_PACKAGES="${HOME}...
[root@control ansible]# vim ~/ansible/package.yml --- - hosts: webserver #需要远程的主机是谁 tasks: #定义剧本需要执行的任务 - name: Install a list of packages #第一个任务的描述信息 yum: #调用yum模块安装软件 name: #安装软件的名字,它的值有多个,使用数组- - httpd #安装httpd软件 - mari...
8.yum list installed 列出所有已安装的软件包 9.yum list extras 列出所有已安装但不在 Yum Repository 內的软件包 10.yum info <package_name> 不加<package_name>列出所有软件包的信息,加了列出指定的 11.yum provides <package_name> 列出软件包提供哪些文件 12.yum clean packages 清除缓存目录(/var/cach...
For example, you can list the repositories for the installed software packages on your system without using sudo: > zypper lrCopy Manage system services using sudo and systemctl In systems that use systemd for managing services, you can use the systemctl command with sudo. For example, to ...
holds the head of the service_library list made from the default configuration. */staticname_database default_table; ni->library = nss_new_service (service_table ?: &default_table, ni->name);if(ni->library ==NULL)return-1; }if(ni->library->lib_handle ==NULL) ...
Also, add the usermod and userdel to the list of commands available to this group. Example 2: Create custom configurations by grouping items To modify the example configuration, open it as system administrator with visudo: # visudo /etc/sudoers.d/02_usermanagementCopy Add more users to ...
在 Django 中,文件上传时出现 500 错误通常是服务器端未处理的异常。这类错误可能有多种原因,包括...
是一个安装和管理 Python 包的工具。...1.安装,打开终端输入: curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python3 出现以下情况,请耐心等待即可: 2.安装完成之后输入: pip3 --...4.pip的升级: pip install --upgrade pip 5.显示以安装的库: pip list 至此,mac上的pip3已经安装完成,当然因为mac...
Here, you see a list of many directories separated by colons. You need to look for “/usr/bin” or “/bin” in the list because they are the most common locations for sudo. If you don’t have “/usr/bin” directory in your PATH, you can include it with this command: ...