sudoapt-get remove <package_name> -- purge#删除包,包括删除配置文件等 sudoapt-get remove --auto-remove python3.7 sudoapt-get purge python3.7 sudoapt-get purge remove <package_name> sudoapt-get purge --auto-remove python3.7 sudoapt-get clean &&sudoapt-get autoclean#清理无用的包 sudoapt-g...
使用apt-get clean 会将 /var/cache/apt/archives/ 的 所有 deb 删掉,可以理解为 rm /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb。 # 删除软件及其配置文件 apt-get --purge remove <package> # 删除没用的依赖包 apt-get autoremove <package> # 此时dpkg的列表中有“rc”状态的软件包,可以执行如下命令做最后清理: ...
4)sudo dpkg-reconfigure dictionaries-common(这将打印出软件包未安装或损坏。)5)sudo apt-get upgrad...
Related to: Packages that compile C Python modules during installation require an updated python-dev package. Can be installed with sudo apt-get install python3.10-dev Example error when the above is needed: x86_64...
笔者最近在使用apt-get install命令安装ros的arbotix时遇见了404 NOT FOUND问题。 笔者就在想是否是因为网络问题所导致的,于是使用firefox打开ros包储存库的官网,发现能打开。不过对比sudo apt-get install命令所使用的地址来说,包储存库确... ...
google-chrome-stable : Depends: libappindicator1 but it is not going to be installed 1. 需要运行如下命令来安装chrome依赖的库文件。 sudo apt-get -f install libappindicator1 libindicator7 1. 2 Ubuntu root 密码忘记-恢复 如果用户具有sudo权限,那么直接可以运行如下命令更改密码: ...
W: 您可能需要运行 apt-get update 来解决这些问题 解决方法: 进入/etc/apt/目录,将该目录下sources.list.d/及里面的内容全部删除,运行一下命令: sudo rm-r /etc/apt/sources.list.d/然后重新运行:sudo apt-get update。
sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev I just realize the problem was in the repository, here its how to fix it, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list As the official website sayshere, change it to: deb main contrib non-free ...
然后保存该文件,并在另一个终端中输入sudo apt-get update以检查错误是否已消失。
The /etc/apt/sources.list file is used to locate the desired packages. If a hyphen is appended to the package name (with no intervening space), the identified package will be removed if it is installed. Similarly a plus sign can be used to designate a package to install. These latter ...