Sudden Death Records was started in 1978, as a way to put out the first D.O.A. record, the 7" EP "Disco Sucks". Up until the beginning of 1998 it was a part time label, then we got serious. We have bands from all over the world, with styles ranging from
Assessment of sudden death syndrome in soybean through multispectral broadband remote sensing aboard small unmanned aerial systemsMulti-spectral broadband imagerySoybean mappingSudden death syndromesUASPigment indexSudden Death Syndrome (SDS) has spread from the US to other countries which is causing yield ...
As promised at the beginning of the month we have three (3) copies of the Michael Jai White action flick Welcome to Sudden Death on DVD to give away to our readers in the UK. The DVDs are courtesy of Dazzler Media and I am happy to be doing a giveaway for our readers...
A method for screening, diagnosis or prognosis of sudden death in heart failure in a mammalian subject, for determining sudden death in heart failure in a mammalian subject, for ide
Death, SuddenDiagnosis, DifferentialAdultFemale[No authors listed]doi:10.1016/0002-9343(87)90379-2K. LudmererJ. KissaneThe American Journal of MedicineSudden death in a 22-yearold woman with lupus erythematosus. Kenneth,Ludmerer,John,Kissane. The American Journal of Medicine . 1987...
K. van der Weele, D. van der Meer, and D. Lohse, Birth and sudden death of a granular cluster, Adv. Solid State Phys. 42, 335 (2002), edit by B. Kramer, Proc. DPG Spring Meeting 2002 in Regensburg, Germany (Springer, Berlin, 2002). :...
L KohnD Van Den SteenML LambertM Eyssen
Sudden death syndrome (SDS), a fungal infection in soybean caused by Fusarium virguliforme, greatly affects the plant health and in some cases, can cause yield losses of more than 70%. Infected plants are scored by visual assessment based on severity and extent of infection. This manual ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine Review Risk Stratification of Sudden Cardiac Death in Patients with Heart Failure: An update Daniele Masarone 1,*, Giuseppe Limongelli 1,2,3, Ernesto Ammendola 1, Marina Verrengia 1, Rita Gravino 1 and Giuseppe Pacileo 1 1 Heart Failure Unit, AORN dei Colli, ...