Sudden Death (1977) 美国 美国 | 动作 暂未上映不能评分 看过 0想看 片名Sudden Death 导演 艾迪·罗梅罗 又名Sudden Death 主演 罗伯特·康拉德Don StroudFelton PerryJohn AshleyNancy Conrad 演职人员(22) 艾迪·罗梅罗 Eddie Romero 导演 罗伯特·康拉德 Robert Conrad 演员 饰Duke Smith Don Stroud...
Sudden Death 剧情,动作 美国/84分钟 1977-05美国上映 影片对比 暂无想看 样本较少暂无画像 昨日新增想看 暂无 想看单日峰值 暂无
Sudden death in custody due to pituitary apoplexy during long restriction in a sitting position: A case report and review of the literature Pituitary apoplexy is an uncommon clinical emergency arising from hemorrhage into or infarction of a pituitary adenoma. The most common presentation is sud......
Zeitschrift für RechtsmedizinFerrara SD, Bertoloni G, Terribile V. Sudden death due to Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome and purulent leptomeningitis caused by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (Mima polymorpha). Z Rechtsmed. 1977 Jul 5; 80 (1):73–78. [ PubMed ]...
Though she’s probably best remembered for the portrayals of her by other actresses, the Oscar-winning performer starred in a number of classics before her death in 1977 at the age of 71. In honor of her birthday, let’s take a look back at 15 of her greatest films, ranked worst to...
LARYNGEAL CHEMOREFLEX - NEWBORN APNEA AND SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME (SIDS)Pediatric Research publishes original papers, invited reviews, and commentaries on the etiologies of diseases of children and disorders of development, extending from molecular biology to epidemiology. Use of model organisms ...
Tokyo-loTanakaTokyo-loJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Pathology InternationalSugai M, Kona R, Nakahara Y, Kunita Y, Tanaka S: Morphological observation of idio- pathic cardiomyopathy consisting of 9 cases encountered in sudden and unexpected death. Acta Pathol Jpn 27: 185, 1977...
大西洋底来的人-TV-07 Crystal Water, Sudden Death.1977-1湖南 0 打开网易新闻 体验效果更佳超出你想象的地球故事,这是一段被深埋的历史! 超自然研究所所长 2943跟贴 打开APP 对越自卫反击战后,为何还打10年轮战?让我国获得三大好处 乐趣纪史 342跟贴 打开APP 老公去世,我没改嫁 意涵的生活日记 330...
大西洋底来的人-TV-07 Crystal Water, Sudden Death.1977-6后哥不是猪皮 湖南 0 打开网易新闻 体验效果更佳大陆无人机直飞金门,台湾开枪回击.紧张时刻美发声.王毅划下红线 叶风评 212跟贴 打开APP 揭露韩国社会的腐败不正之风,结局耐人寻味 黑巴电影 2353跟贴 打开APP 中俄从哪儿威胁到了美国?(音频来自:...
Vismara LA, Vera Z, Foerster JM, Amsterdam EA, Mason DT: Identification of sudden death risk factors in acute and chronic coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol 39: 821–828, 1977.Vismara LA, Vera Z, Foerster JM, et al: Identification of sudden death risk factors in acute and chronic ...