计划课件pl继任计划PPTppt继任者计划 SuccessionPlanning&RetentionSuccessionPlanning&Retention “RoadmapforLeadershipContinuity”“RoadmapforLeadershipContinuity” JimmyDuncan,SPHR WorkforcePlanning&EmployeeDevelopment “DevelopingOurPeople”“DevelopingOurPeople”SCANACORPORATIONSCANACORPORATION SessionTopicsSessionTopics TheSCA...
Succession Planning Developing Talent Planning for Today and Tomorrow Presented by: Ranjit Nair 1 What is Succession Planning? Having the right people in the right place at the right time An ongoing process of identifying and developing talent as well as future leaders ...
SuccessionPlanning 企业接班人计划 企业接班人计划 企业接班人计划(successionplanning),又称管理继承人计划,是指公司确定和持续追踪关键岗位的高潜能人才,并对这些高潜能人才进行开发的过程,对公司的持续发展有至关重要的意义。企业接班人计划的模式 内生模式:从企业或家族内部选择接班人的模式。企业...
Succession Planning is a part of the process of preparing for the future of your agency. Every position in your organization is a candidate for a succession plan. An important impact is that it is virtually impossible to successfully promote someone unless there is a trained person to take ...
Succession Planning Basics: It Takes Leaders To Grow Other Leaders - (PPT)The plan must be coordinated with the organization's strategic plan. The best plans are developed by a team of representatives from different levels and areas of the organization. The most successful plans use systematic ...
SuccessionPlanning接班人计划 SUCCESSIONPLANNINGOVERVIEW CorePrinciplesUnderlyingSuccessionPlanning 1.Leadersreallydomatter…inmanaging/drivingaccountability,results,culture.2.Performanceiswhatcounts…topperformersoverhighpotentials (the“what”&“how”bothcount).3.Today’stopperformingleadersaren’tnecessarilytomorrow’s...
relevant operational experiences. Networked with other districts about planning, barriers, training, and documents to aid in the process. Developed a profile of specific competencies, experiences, and knowledge for each of our key leadership roles. Website: - click on new to this sitewww.doe.k12...
SUCCESSION PLANNING AGENDA “Putting the Pieces Together” External Scan The What and Why of Succession Planning Human Capital Succession Planning Steps and Models OPM’s Partnership and Services Keys to Success The Aging of the Workforce (September 30, 1998) Age 30 or Less 112,229 (7%) Age 31...
1、jimmy duncan, sphr workforce planning & employee development q the scana profile q why “developing our people” is a business imperative q the business case for ensuring leadership continuity q scanas holistic approach to developing leaders q scanas succession planning model q scanas leadership...
Subtitle 2014 Chapter Succession Roadmap. Succession Planning What is it? – A dynamic, ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing, and developing. Build over Buy: Accelerating Internal Readiness to Close Succession Gaps Jeremy Braidish VP, OD&L and HR Strategy ...