Create a 3x3 array and subtract the mean of each row from each element of this array. # Importing numpy libraryimportnumpyasnp# Creating a NumPy array of 3x3matrix=np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])print("Original array (matrix) is:\n")print(matrix)# Mean of eac...
Make sure you have NumPy installed to be able to run the code sample. shell pip install numpy # 👇️ or with pip3 pip3 install numpy Subtracting a number from a numpy array effectively subtracts the number from each element in the array. Note that this only works with numpy arrays...
posAromatic = 0 #print ' posAromatic=', bnd.posAromatic #after checking all the bonds in current cycle, compare #posAromatic w/number if ct==len(blist): #print ctr," cycle is aromatic" #NB: only C=C bonds are considered aromatic # could change the name and autodock_element here.....