Type in the formula below in the new window: Public Sub Subtotal_Counta() Range("C11").Formula = "=SUBTOTAL(3,C5:C10)" End Sub Open the macro from theDevelopertab by clicking onMacros. In theMacrowindow, select theSubtotal_Countamacro and clickRun. TheVBAcode will calculate the total...
Subtotal counta参数的使用方法非常简单,只需要在Subtotal函数中添加一个括号,并在括号内指定要计数的单元格范围即可。例如,在Excel中使用Subtotal函数计算某个列中非空单元格的总数,可以使用以下公式:=SUBTOTAL(9, A1:A10)。其中,A1:A10是要计数的单元格范围。 三、Counta参数的常见应用场景 1. 统计数据集中的非...
2. 3 means CountA function in the formula =SUBTOTAL(3,D2:D11), that is, count the number of cells that are not empty, the result is 7, indicating that there is no nested subtotal cells, because there are 10 non-empty cells from D2 to D11 and three cells contain nested subtotal...
正确答案是,subtotal无法嵌套 见帮助文件 subtotal返回“分类汇总”再往下看 如果区域里有subtotal,会被忽略,所以subtotal不适合在同一列里下拉,你把A列放C列,公式不变,结果就对了。(前提,A列不能为空列)
subtotal函数包含1Average、2Count、3Counta、4Max、5Min、6Product、7Stdev、8Stdevp、9Sum、10Var、11Varp这11种函数,那么,Excel表格怎么求和?本文介绍subtotal函数中的9Sum函数的用法,快来一起看一下吧! 步骤一:首先将表格数据进行筛选处理,然后在单元格中输入“=subtotal”,右下侧会自动弹出一个“查看该函数...
Unlike SUM, AVERAGE, COUNTA and other functions which only do one thing, the SUBTOTAL function is versatile and can perform different arithmetic and logical operations, such as calculating a sum or average, finding the minimum or maximum value, getting the standard deviation, and more (see the...
U ovom se članku opisuje sintaksa formula i korištenje funkcije SUBTOTAL u programu Microsoft Excel. Opis Vraća podzbroj u popisu ili bazi podataka. Lakše je stvoriti popis s podzbrojevima koristeći naredbu Podzbroj u grupi Struktura na kartici Podaci u aplikaciji programa...
Things to consider before using SUBTOTAL in Excel How to use SUBTOTAL in an Excel formula: A step-by-step guide Are you thinking about using the SUBTOTAL function to analyze your spreadsheet data? To help, we’ll explain how it works and how to use it effectively. 1. What is the SUB...