#物质使用障碍# (Substance Use Disorder, SUD)是使用精神活性物质之后产生的成瘾性精神障碍的统称,主要包含了物质有害使用模式和物质依赖。物质使用障碍通常因“戒断-恢复”的重复模式以及与精神疾病的共病而复杂化。有使用障碍的患者会出现思维紊乱、行为和躯体功能紊乱的混合表现,而且他们明知会产生问题,还是要持续使...
DSM-5 substance use disorder symptom clusters and HIV antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherenceAntiretroviral therapyHIV/AIDSsubstance use disordersmedication adherenceDSM-5This study examines self-reported 30-day antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence among 101 people living with HIV and substance use ...
本篇笔记中的药物滥用指的是addiction。 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM-5)给出的药物滥用的标准如下: 剂量超过正常用量,或超出正常疗程 难以自主减量(即便主观意愿上想减量) 花费大量时间获取、使用药物,或从用药后的症状中缓解 强烈的用药冲动 药物的反复使用已经导致或部分导致社交或工作...
Epidemiology of DSM-5 drug use disorder: results from the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions–III JAMA Psychiatry, 73 (2016), pp. 39-47 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Grucza et al., 2016 R.A. Grucza, A. Agrawal, M.J. Krauss, P.A. Cavazos-Rehg, L...
substance use disordersIn this chapter, five disorders associated with caffeine use are reviewed: the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5) diagnoses of Caffeine Intoxication, Caffeine Withdrawal, Caffeine Use Disorder, Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder, and Caffeine...
The DSM-5 classifies substance use disorder (SUD) as someone whose recurrent use of alcohol or drugs causes significant impairment. This can include health issues, or failure to meet responsibilities or experiencing difficulties at home, work, or school. SUD can be classified in different severities...
What is a Substance Use Disorder? In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the American Psychiatric Association presents 11 criteria for the diagnosis of a SUD that fall into four general categories (American Psychiatric Association,2013):physical ...
Substance use disorders are mental health issues produced by the consumption of substances and their related complications. Learn about the...
Although we often use the word "addicted" to refer to things we really like — think of the lyrics to "Toxic" by Britney Spears — the DSM-5 only recognizes one non-substance-related addiction: gambling disorder. Like substance use disorder, gambling disorder is characterized by an uncontrolla...
Variability in the prevalence of adult ADHD in treatment seeking substance use disorder patients: Results from an international multi-center study explorin... DSM-iv Axis-i comorbidity among illicit drug users seeking treatment for substance use disorders: results from the Multi-centre Study of Psychi...