0703_Subsance painter Export Texture 详解1 - 大小:363m 目录:第07章_Substance Painter的层_后期效果_材质导出工具 资源数量:37,其他_Substance Painter,物质画家PBR_1/第07章_Substance Painter的层_后期效果_材质导出工具/0701_Subsance painter Layers 详解,物质画
一:Substance Painter 工作界面SP的工作界面还是非常的简单干净整洁。二:Substance Painter 菜单栏详解 jia1994jiajia 富有美誉 9 为了示范,我在MAYA里面创建了一个BOX和球。这时我们导出BOX和球为FBX!注意!在导出之前我们应该先分好材质,并给不同的物件取好材质球名字(Max同理)(比如头部和帽子的关系是要用材质球...
Re-import the textures and replace them over the original bake textures in the Texture Set settings. Use the Clean action in the File menu to remove the old Mesh Maps. Use the Save and Compact action in the File menu to compress the project file.After all these steps, the project foot...
New functions have been added in "substance_painter.project" module to get and set mesh maps resources. These functions can be used to update the mesh maps referenced by the Texture Set settings.[Plugins] Remove option to get other JS plugins Removed the option to get JavaScript plugins since...
def export_textures() : # 确保导出前SP有打开项目文件 if not substance_painter.project.is_open() : return # 获取当前激活材质 stack = substance_painter.textureset.get_active_stack() # 获取材质 material = stack.material() # 获取导出模板设置 export_preset = substance_painter.resource.ResourceID...
In the right view, it's Substance 3d painter, and the left is exported as 2D view. But the right texture looks brighter with saturated beautiful light. It looks like in 3D view but the exported texture is not!Have I use the s...
0402_辅助画家纹理集设置(0402_Subsance painter TextureSet Settings) - 大小:114m 目录:第04章_Substance Painter的Texture工具 资源数量:37,其他_Substance Painter,物质画家PBR_1/第04章_Substance Painter的Texture工具/0401_副画家纹理集列表,物质画家PBR_1/第04章_
0402_辅助画家纹理集设置(0402_Subsance painter TextureSet Settings) - 大小:114m 目录:第04章_Substance Painter的Texture工具 资源数量:37,其他_Substance Painter,物质画家PBR_1/第04章_Substance Painter的Texture工具/0401_副画家纹理集列表,物质画家PBR_1/第04章_
然后作为Texture导入到substance Painter里面,放在遮罩里面。看到的效果感觉是左右有拉伸。 但是我从SD里面作为位图保存出来就是正常的1024*2048. 请问是怎么回事? 肚皮不舒... 6-22 1 求大佬们帮帮忙 雷圣地 黑白图,怎么在sd中做出这种刺绣效果。网上自己找的教程出来的线都是很凌乱的。没有那么整齐。求教...