The cryopreservation of gametes and embryos is an important element of biodiversity conservation. One species in need of conservation is the honey bee Apis mellifera L. Changing environmental factors, especially the anthropogenic factor, have led to a reduction in the numbers of this insec...
Behav- iour of African and European subspecies of Apis mellifera toward the small hive beetle, Aethina tumida. J. Apicult. Res. 40: 40 Ð 41.Elzen P.J., Baxter J.R., Neumann P., Solbrig A., Pirk C.W.W., Hepburn H.R., Westervelt D., Randall C. (2001) Behaviour of ...
Date of sampling and sampling site, however, had a major effect on the composition of pollen samples. Furthermore, subspecies were not significantly different in the structure of dominance, evenness and diversity of pollen types. We conclude that the investigated subspecies of Apis mellifera follow ...
Honeybee ( Apis mellifera ) subspecies usually are distinguished by standard morphometry methods, based mainly on multivariate analysis of distances and angles. Recently another method of statistical analysis of shape, geometric morphometrics, has been developed. The new method is based on characteristic ...
In honeybees, the mechanism of sex determination depends on genetic variation at the complementary sex determiner (CSD) locus, which has a large allelic di
behavior of the Carniolan bee (Apis mellifera carnica), represented by two lines: Kortowka and Dobra; the Caucasian bee (Apis mellifera caucasica) of the Wonica line; the black bee (Apis mellifera mellifera) of the Augustowska line; and the crossbreed of two subspecies: Apis mellifera ...
Apis mellifera capensis Eschscholtz and A.m. scutellata Lepeletier are subspecies of western honey bees that are indigenous to the Republic of South Africa (RSA). Both subspecies have invasive potential and are organisms of concern for areas outside thei
Pavlovian conditioning of the proboscis extension reflex in harnessed foragers using paired vs. unpaired and discrimination learning paradigms: tests for d... Experiments utilized three honeybee subspecies from very distinct biomes (Apis mellifera caucasica, A.m. carnica, A.m. syriaca). In experiment...
and Poultry ProductionAlternative Methods for Control of Pathogens in LivestockAncient and Modern DNA for Diversity and Domestication of AnimalsAnimal Behavior and Natural DisastersAnimal CloningAnimal Geometric Morphometrics—Concepts, Methods, and ApplicationsAnimal Infectious Diseases and ZoonosesAnimal Management...
Apis mellifera carnica (distinguishing native and non-native was not possible); Apis mellifera caucasia; Apis mellifera mellifera; Buckfast; Unknown origin—in this category beekeepers declarations stating the following were included: unknown origin of queen from previous generation and colonies from swa...