subsistence meaning, definition, what is subsistence: the condition of only just having enough...: Learn more.
subsistence allowance meaning, definition, what is subsistence allowance: money that you are given to pay for food...: Learn more.
Under the original policy, in addition to the usual missionsubsistenceallowance, individualstravellingonofficial business requiring an overnight [...] 按照原来的政策,公务旅行中需在其自身工作地点以外任务 区内地点过夜的个人,除了通常的特派任务生活津贴外,可报销过...
Business OperationsCompany will provide all necessary equipment, personnel and other appurtenances necessary to conduct its operations. Company will conduct its business operations hereunder in a lawful, orderly and proper manner, considering the nature of such operation, so as not to unreasonably annoy...
Wind patterns, and currents, are of course critical to the issue of maritime contact and trade in the Arabian Sea. The seasonally changing winds known as the monsoon (from the Arabic mausim, meaning 'season') have long helped to bridge distant continents and people (Chaudhuri 1990; Das ...