There's a few ways of doing this. I'll mention two ways here - the recursive way, that we've been taught in high schools; and using a bit string. Using a bit string involves some bit manipulation but the final code can be found easy to understand. The idea is that all the numbers...
class Solution{public:vector<string>wordSubsets(vector<string>&words1,vector<string>&words2){vector<int>count(26,0);for(constauto&word:words2){vector<int>cur(26,0);for(constauto&c:word)++cur[c-'a'];for(inti=0;i<26;i++)count[i]=max(count[i],cur[i]);}vector<string>result;for...
Given a set of distinct integers,nums, return all possible subsets. Note: Elements in a subset must be in non-descending order. The solution set must not contain duplicate subsets. For example, Ifnums=[1,2,3], a solution is: [ [3], [1], [2], [1,2,3], [1,3], [2,3], [...
自己写了一下, 通过了leetcode. 供参考. static int cmpfunc (const void* a, const void* b) { return *(int*)a - *(int*)b; } int** subsets(int* nums, int numsSize, int** columnSizes, int* returnSize) { int i, j, size, tsize; int *colSizeArr, *tArr; int **subsetpp; su...
[2], [1], [1,2,2], [2,2], [1,2], [] ] 这道题很简单,不过就是把重复的子集给去掉。 建议和这一道题leetcode 78. Subsets DFS深度优先搜索 和leetcode 77. Combinations 按照index递归搜索+全排列做法一起学习 代码如下: import java.util.ArrayList; ...
Can you solve this real interview question? Word Subsets - You are given two string arrays words1 and words2. A string b is a subset of string a if every letter in b occurs in a including multiplicity. * For example, "wrr" is a subset of "warrior" but binary_search bit_manipulation breadth_first_search depth_first_search design divide_and_conquer dynamic_programming greedy hashing heap linked_list math stack string tree two_pointers README.mdBreadcrumbs leetcode-1 /problems /src /backtracking / Latest commit ... // 好像跟之前也用的类似的方法 package; import java.util.*; class Solution { class Pos { int pos; int len; Pos(int pos, int len) { this.pos = pos; this.len = len; }
解答:参照leetcode中的讨论 屏幕快照 2016-12-05 下午8.00.58.png 1代表会取到nums中的对应的值,0代表没有。 代码: /** * @param {number[]} nums * @return {number[][]} */varsubsets=function(nums){if(nums.length===0)return[];varlen=nums.length,count=Math.pow(2,len),result=[];for...
[leetcode]916. Word Subsets [leetcode]916. Word Subsets Analysis 今天被微博上的孙艺兴bot笑死,哈哈哈哈哈—— [每天刷题并不难0.0] We are given two arrays A and B of words. Each word is a string of lowercase letters. Now, say that word b is a su... ...