SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development As u r submitting a z prog. so u can change the prog. in a way, that all the message (type S,E,W) can be stored in an internal table. and then export that table to a memory id. Now from calling program after submit statement simply import ...
But when I execute the report using submit statement with all required parameters (link is HTTPS and destination is SAPHTTPA) it is throwing error message "Connection to HTTPS://...: Document does not contain any data". I also created a new FM by copying entire code in report rshttp20...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development HI USe WITH SELECTION-TABLE of SUBMIT statement WITH SELECTION-TABLE <rspar>, dynamic transfer of values You need an internal table <rspar> with the Dictionary structure RSPARAMS. The table then consists of the following six fields: SELNAME (type C, leng...
The called program runs in its own SAP LUW. Once program access is completed, program execution is continued after the statement SUBMIT. The number of internal session in a call sequence is restricted to nine. If this is exceeded by SUBMIT ... AND RETURN, the program terminates and the ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, You cannot use the SUBMIT statement on Module Pool Program. SAPMM61X is dailog program you can check from the attributes. You can check the CALL DIALOG statement instead of SUBMIT. Or you can go ahead with CALL TRANSACTION Reply Former Member In r...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Gurus, i am trying to use execute a variant , and that variant has to be submitted in memory.(i.e i have three variants A,B,C whenever i run the report using variant A then that fields only has to be passed to memory) , but instead of that...
Explicitlycheck authorization for ABAP program, authority-checkonS_DEVELOPcan be called before executing SUBMIT statement, For S_DEVELOP, ABAP programmers can refer toSAP Community WIKIreference. Use the Authorization Group attribute for your ABAP program which is used in SUMBIT statement. ...
statementSUBMIT, JOB_SUBMIT schedules an ABAP program as a background task in a background request. JOB_SUBMIT provides more control options forbackground processingbut must be given the input values for the selection screen in an existing selection screen variant. The statementSUBMITcreates this ...
report with the SUBMIT … VIA JOB job NUMBER n statement, you should always use the addition …TO SAP-SPOOL to pass print and/or archive parameters. Otherwise, default values are used to generate the list and this disturbs operations in a production environment. ...
Purpose Submit a report via RFC (Call statement) and process the list output, or read the resulting ALV grid dataABAP reports are used in the implementation of numerous business functions in the SAP system. They either produce a standard list output (free format) or they display tabular data...