下面ABAP语句允许你调用一个可执行程序或者事务码,调用后你可以直接退出主调程序,或者返回到调用被调程序的地方继续后继代码的执行:可执行Program TransactionCall (without returning) SUBMIT LEAVE TO TRANSACTIONCall and return SUBMIT AND RETURN CALL TRANSACTION...
screenSUBMITzreportEXPORTINGLISTTOMEMORY.*Once report has finished and control has returned to calling*program, use function modules LIST_FROM_MEMORY, WRITE_LIST and*DISPLAY_LIST to retrieve and display report.*Example Code (Retrieving list from memory)DATABEGINOFitab_listOCCURS0.INCLUDESTRUCTUREabap...
* Once report has finished and control has returned to calling * program, use function modules LIST_FROM_MEMORY, WRITE_LIST and * DISPLAY_LIST to retrieve and display report. *Example Code (Retrieving list from memory) DATA BEGIN OF itab_list OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE abaplist. DATA END ...
SAP Memory & ABAP Memory超级详细解析 语句GET PARAMETER ID 后就能读到设置的相关PARAMETER ID的值. 它的功能相当于SET PARAMETER ID. 4、ABAPMemory: 1.建了个程序和FM:将数据丢到ABAP内存'ABAP_MMR',被调用的FM是在internal session内运行(或是用submit和calltransaction)。程序代码:(类的方法里不能使用这种...
ABAP SUBMIT的使用方法 1、最普通的用法 *Codeusedtoexecuteareport SUBMITZreport. 2、带select-options程序的Submit的用法 *Codeusedtopopulate'select-options'&executereport DATA:seltabtypetableofrsparams, seltab_walikelineofseltab. seltab_wa-selname='PNPPERNR'. seltab_wa-sign='I'. seltab_wa-...
ABAP SUBMIT的使用方法.doc,ABAP SUBMIT的使用方法 1、最普通的用法 *Code used to execute a report SUBMIT Zreport. 2、带select-options程序的Submit的用法 *Code used to populate select-options execute report DATA: seltab type table of rsparams, seltab_wa like
reporthasfinishedandcontrolhasreturnedtocalling *program,usefunctionmodulesLIST_FROM_MEMORY,WRITE_LIST and *DISPLAY_LISTtoretrieveanddisplayreport. *ExampleCode(Retrievinglistfrommemory) DATABEGINOFitab_listOCCURS0. INCLUDESTRUCTUREabaplist. DATAENDOFitab_list. DATA:BEGINOFvlistOCCURS0, filler1(01)TYPE...
* Once report has finished and control has returned to calling * program, use function modules LIST_FROM_MEMORY, WRITE_LIST and * DISPLAY_LIST to retrieve and display report. *Example Code (Retrieving list from memory) DATA BEGIN OF itab_list OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE abaplist. ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Sudeep, But my report B is made to run only via a TCode(ZEXECUTE) & hence when i submit program it is not executedas sy-tcode value in such case comes as SE38 . Do you mean there is a hardcoding in Report B to check the t-code? Furth...