but including Chinese-language journals that are not accessible in the English-speaking world). I want to stress that the anonymous pedants and perfectionists who patrol the digital trenches at PubPeer have not found any cause for complaint
Thomson R: Evidence based implementation of complex interventions. BMJ 2009, 339 : b3124. PubMed Abstract Publisher Full TextThomson R. Evidence based implementation of complex interventions. BMJ 2009;339:b3124.Thomson R: Evidence based implementation of complex interventions. BMJ 2009, 339:...
All submission ofcase reports, case series, and images, if accepted, will be published inWestJEM’s companion journal,“Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine(CPC-EM).”This case report journal will be online only (no print) and isincluded in PubMed and PubMed Centralindices with...
Tudor Hart J `Practice Nurse: an underused resource' British Medical Journal (1985) 290: 1162-1163 [cited 9 October 2007] available from: http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=1418831&blobtype=pdfHart JT. Practice nurses: an underused resource. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) ...