professors, MD/MS, Scholars, Students for preparation of manuscript from thesis/dissertation according to the format of different journals. We help authors who face difficulty in writing an article. Author should send his/her full thesis/dissertation/Research work/Case Report in Microsoft word via e...
We encourage researchers to share their groundbreaking findings and ideas in an open-access format, allowing unrestricted access to vital knowledge. There are no limitations on the length of submissions, enabling authors to provide comprehensive experimental details for enhanced understanding by readers. J...
We report a case of retroperitoneal abscess due to penetration of colonic diverticulosis during chemotherapy for sigmoid colon cancer. The patient was a 56-year-old man who was outpatient for chronic rheumatoid arthritis and was diagnosed sigmoid colon cancer with multiple simultaneous liver and lung ...
If that's the case, then PubMed the combination should be prohibited.I have read the guide for submitting good bug reports. I have installed the latest version of RStudio, and confirmed that the issue still persists. If I am reporting a RStudio crash, I have included a diagnostics report...
If the file specified for the -c option is empty, will not replace any concepts but will produce an output file in its normal format. The concept set file is a tab-separated text file containing one concept per line, in two columns. The first column contains the concept ...
First, a tokenizer was applied to words in a sentence on a dataset with labels in the CoNLL format17. The WordPiece algorithm was then applied to the sub-words of each word. Consequently, BioBERT was able to extract diverse types of bio-entities. Furthermore, an entity or two entities wit...
connect to the E-Utilities server or to the local MySQL database as needed and deliver an output in HTML format. JavaScript then displays the output in the browser page using both the Ajax engine and DOM tree manipulation. This is all done asynchronously without reloading the page and interrup...
Pubmed 数据库简介(Introduction to Pubmed database).doc,Pubmed 数据库简介(Introduction to Pubmed database) [reprinted]PubMed database (2010-04-23 10:43:11) reproduced the original label: reproduced Just want to say thank you Original address: PubMed d
helpText("You can specify the start and end dates of your search, use the format YYYY/MM/DD"), textInput("date1", label = h3("From"),value="1990/01/01"), textInput("date2", label = h3("To"), value = "2015/11/07"), ...
Journal of Clinical Imaging Science CASE REPORT Editor‑in‑Chief: Vikram S. Dogra, MD Department of Imaging Sciences, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, USA OPEN ACCESS HTML format For entire Editorial Board visit :