In your second example, the sentence does not include a subject complement; rather it includes a subject (I), a phrasal verb (used to + grow), and a direct object (potatoes). A subject complement will always follow a linking verb. Leave a Comment or Question: Please ensure that your ...
Subject complement: Check out the article to learn all about subject complement, its meaning, definition and usage. Also, explore the examples given and how to identify a subject complement.
Indirect Object in a Sentence | Definition & Examples Adjective Phrase Overview, Uses & Examples Subject-Verb Agreement | Definition, Rules & Examples Verb Complement Definition, Uses & Examples Singular Verb Definition, Examples & Rules Create an account to start this course today Used by over ...
intransitive verb– a verb that doesnottake an object as its complement (and cannot be passive). (e.g., He lies down.) transitive verb– a verb that takes an object as its complement.(e.g., He laythe babydown.) The passive is used when: ...
That’s fine as far as it goes, but it goes nowhere unless we can tell a subject (they) from an object (them). One reason that distinguishing between subjects and objects is so difficult can be traced to what’s called the subject complement, a fancy term for the B in A = B. In...
The complement to the subject and the predicate is often a noun phrase (direct or indirect object) but may also be a prepositional phrase or clause. The complement fills in information about the person affected by the action, the person who is the recipient of the thing acted upon, the ins...
61、) It should be noted that subject-verb concord means that the predicate verb inflects for number and person in accordance with the subject rather than object or subject complement. But in some SVC sentences, the verb is sometimes influenced by the subject complement. Compare:(1) a. My ...
Novelsis the antecedent ofwhich, and therefore the verb must be plural (are). A common mistake is to choose the verb that agrees with the complement in the relative clause (form). Remember that the complement is not the antecedent of the pronoun. ...
A subject complement will either describe a subject or rename a subject. If you have a linking verb and something following it, that something will be a subject complement. Subject Complements He is annoyed. You look tired. He looked over the field. – No subject complement The soup tasted ...
"Aprepositional phrasecannot contain the subject of the sentence. Do not be confused when a prepositional phrase (a phrase that begins withof, in, between,and so on) comes between the subject and the verb. In such cases, theobject of the prepositionappears to be the subject of the sentence...