五、句型5:Subject(主语) + Verb(谓语) +Object(宾语) + Complement(补语)这种句型中的“宾语+补语”统称为“复合宾语” 。 宾语补足语的主要作用是补充说明宾语的特点、身份等;或者表示让宾语去完成的动作等。 担任补语的常常是名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、分词、动词不定式等。 常见动词有:keep,make,tell,...
(The linking verb is "looks." The subject complement describes the subject "That pie." It is an adjective. Don't forget adjectives (just like nouns) also come in the form ofphrases.) Read more about noun phrases. More Examples of Subject Complements ...
英语中的句子成分主要有: 主语 (subject) 、 谓语 (verb) 、 宾语 (object) 、 补语 (complement) 和状语 (adverbial)。 (1) 主语 (subject) 主语是执行动作的人或物,一般由名词、 代词、 数词、 不定式等充当。 (2) 谓语 (verb) 谓语陈述或说明主语的动作或状态,由简单动词或动词短语充当。 (3) 宾语...
Subject complement: Check out the article to learn all about subject complement, its meaning, definition and usage. Also, explore the examples given and how to identify a subject complement.
The other four are: verb, object, complement and adjunct. Subjects are essential in declarative, negative and interrogative clauses. … Subject positionIn statements (declarative clauses), the subject comes before the verb: … Dummy subjectsThe subject is an essential part of a clause. ...
用符号分析下面简单句的成分,并指出其句式类型成分符号:Subject:Verb:Object:Predicative:Object complement:Adverbial::[]Attributive: ()句式类型: a.SV b. SVP c. SVO d. SVOO e. SVOC f. SVA g. SVOA1. The light was out. ( )2. I heard him singing in her room. ( )3. I saw a film ...
Subject PronounsObject Pronouns Iweyouhe, she, itthey who meusyouhim, her, itthem whom Check out these examples: Don't blame Gerard. It was I who woke you from a sound sleep. It = subject; was = linking verb; I = subject complement. Don't get mad at me! I didn't pull your ...
用符号分析下面简单句的成分,并指出其句式类型成分符号:Subject:Verb:Object:Predicative:Object complement: ___Adverbial: []Attributive: ()句式类型: a.SV b. SVP c. SVO d. SVOO e. SVOC f. SVA g. SVOA She showed her new dress to us. () 相关...
Asubject complementis a noun, adjective, or pronoun that follows a linking verb to describe or rename the subject. The three types ofsubject complementsare called predicate nouns, predicate adjectives, and predicate pronouns. Examples of Subject Complements ...
ObjectComplement& Subject-verbAgreement M3U3Grammar Howdowecallthesepeople?Wecallthem__fi_r_e_fi_g_h_t_e_rs___.Wecallthemfirefighters.SubjectPredicateObjectobjectcomplement 主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语 Objectcomplement宾语补足语 宾语补足语用来对宾语作出进一步的补充说明,与宾语存在逻辑上的主谓关系。We...