Какисправитьошибку SU-41333-4 Возниклапроблемаприобновлениисистемногопрограммногообеспеченияконсоли PlayStation®4. Попробуйтеследующее: Выключите...
打开Sony Playstation官网 在技术支持这里,输入:SU-41333-4 问题,出来67个搜索结果,但竟然没有一个是匹配的 那就只能死马当活马医一下——重刷系统。 下载系统 点左上角“支持”——硬件维修——PS4——PS4 系统软件升级—— 或者直接点击链接: 先电脑(为了少走弯路,我直接用Windows 系统的电脑)下载安装文件...
How to fix SU-41333-4 There was an issue when updating your PlayStation®4 console system software. Please try the following: Turn off and unplug your console. Turn off your router/modem, wait at least 5 minutes, and then restart the router/modem. Plug the console back in and rest...
In most cases, the PS4 SU-41333-4 error only occurs when an external storage is connected. Sometimes, this error occurs just because the USB storage device is not well connected. For example, the PS4 USB port is damaged; the USB cable (if you use an external hard drive, not a USB ...
ps4pro未连接usb储存设备su-41333-4 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2017-10-28 22:22回复 靈魂垨護 赛博朋克 13 怎么解决 来自iPhone客户端2楼2017-10-28 22:22 回复 靈魂垨護 赛博朋克 13 手柄一直连接Pro的,上周都还在玩 来自iPhone客户端3楼2017-10-28 22:23 回复 ...
How to fix SU-41333-4 There was an issue when updating your PlayStation®4 console system software. Please try the following: Turn off and unplug your console. Turn off your router/modem, wait at least 5 minutes, and then restart the router/modem....
How to fix SU-41333-4 There was an issue when updating your PlayStation®4 console system software. Please try the following: Turn off and unplug your console. Turn off your router/modem, wait at least 5 minutes, and then restart the router/modem....
ps4pro显示未连接USB储存设备SU-41333-4 只看楼主收藏回复 贴吧用户_Q6KEZb2 萌 2 插上电视点开机就成这样了。怎么解决 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2022-06-16 16:08回复 HAIZI1225 不重要 1 强行关机了吧,还是系统没升完,电脑下载个系统,插上安装就可以了 2楼2022-06-16 16:48 回复 ...