文件路径为(字母要大写)PS4-UPDATE-PS4UPDATE.PUP 然后再按流程去升级
ВыберитеУведомлениявфункциональнойобласти PS4, затемвыберитефайлобновленияинажмитекнопку OPTIONS >Удалить. ЗатемвыберитеНастройки>Обновление...
使用电脑,为USB存储设备新建一个名为芹察高「PS4」的文件夹,再于该文件夹下创建一个名为「UPDATE」的文件夹。 大小写不影响;2. 下载升级文件,并保存至步骤1时嫌尺创建的「UPDATE」文件夹;3. 完全关闭PS的电源(电源指示灯亮桔灯时,请触碰PS4牡缭醇?7秒以上直到发出两声 滴声);4. 将保存了升级文件的USB...
[http://us.playstation.com/support/systemupdates/ps4/pc_update/index.htm#installationSteps redownload the PUP file here]. Then retry the system update. Step 3: If the error persists, try another USB device. Step 4: If the error occurs again there may be an issue with the PS4's hard...
When your PlayStation 4 storage device is full, Your USB drive creates more storage for your game. Sometimes this can lead to an error. But, if you are facing a PS4 SU-41350-3 error, it is suggested that you verify your USB drive matches the system requirements. As followed: ...
If possible, try connecting your console to the internet using a wired connection. SelectNotificationsfrom the PS4 function area, highlight the update file and press the OPTIONS button >Delete. Next, selectSettings>System Software Update.
Het updatebestand wordt niet herkend. Probeer, indien mogelijk, je console met internet te verbinden via een bekabelde verbinding. SelecteerMeldingenin het functiegebied van de PS4, markeer het updatebestand en druk op de toets OPTIONS >Verwijderen. ...