The Su-30SM is capable of carrying an advanced weapons payload, weighing up to 8t. The aircraft can be armed with a machine gun, bombs, air-to-air missiles and Oniks (Yakhont) supersonic anti-ship and land-attack missiles. Developed by NPO Mashinostroyeniya, Oniks served as a basis ...
【参考译文】MKI代表“Modernizirovannyi Kommercheskiy Indiski”,意为“现代化商用印度版”。这是为印度出口的版本,由印度斯坦航空有限公司(HAL)与俄罗斯联合研制。它是苏-30家族中首个配备推力矢量控制(TVC)和前翼(鸭翼)的成员。该机型装备了来自俄罗斯、印度、法国和以色列等多国的航电系统。[140] Su-30...
* The sheer number of Su-27 variants is bewildering to say the least. Many developments have been made in 'parallel' over the decades, and hence there is no single timeline for the MKI. This space is not enough for discussing the many variants, and hence only some are discussed here. ...
DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF LPC BLADE DRESSING TOOL OF GAS TURBINE ENGINE COMPRESSOR BLADE FOR SU 30 MKI AIRCRAFT AND ALL OTHER TYPES OF COMPRESSORS BLADES.The Invention relates to Design, development and manufacturing of LPC Blade Dressing Tool for repairing or dressing of gas turbine engine ...
Besides the US and China, only post-Soviet Russia has managed to get a stealth-optimized fifth-generation fighter aircraft up in the air. But now Russia’s T-50 / Su-57 project – launched in 2010 – has suffered a potentially decisive setback.With India dropping out, the programme has ...
* [OP-1101] - has a few tabs and they need to be converted to spaces * [OP-1102] - OP GCS registers some file types is should not * [OP-1103] - GCS can not be compiled on OSX 10.8 after update to Qt5.1.1 ...
机炮 一门GSh-30-1机炮 火箭 S-5航空火箭弹S-8航空火箭弹S-13航空火箭弹S-24航空火箭弹S-25航空火箭弹 等等 导弹 R-60短程空对空导弹R-27中程空对空导弹R-73短程空对空导弹R-77中程空对空导弹AGM-88反辐射导弹等等 炸弹 航空炸弹Mk 80系列炸弹(联合直接攻击弹药)[2] 此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议 图片...