Su-30 MKI 的发动机的可靠性相比之下也非常差,但俄罗斯不允许印度人修他们的引擎,也不给印度人备用...
苏-30 MKI(Su-30 MKI) 资源编号 :62458704 格式:iges 文件体积 :4m 下载量 :1 苏霍伊苏-30MKI是俄罗斯苏霍伊公司研制的一种双喷气式多用途空中优势战斗机,由印度印度斯坦航空有限公司为印度空军授权制造。 更多...收起 相关主题 :飞机 爱给网提供海量的3d模型资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为iges 格式的苏-30...
A new squadron, known as the 222 Squadron (Tigersharks) was stood up at the IAF’s Thanjavur airbase in the southern part of India. The fighter jets of the new squadron can carry BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles. India achieved indigenously overhauling capability of the Sukhoi-30 MKI fi...
Even though the vanilla Su-30K aircraft were meant to be upgraded to MKI standard the significant differences meant that the only viable option was to replace the aircraft completely. New build MKIs were supplied to replace them to 24 Sqn. ...
for example Su-30MKK is the version that was designed specifically for Chinese contract (the second K in the name stands for Китайский ("Chinese" in Russian) and was based of the MKI, however they removed canards, non thrust vectoring engines AL-31F and sli...
The Su-30SM is capable of carrying an advanced weapons payload, weighing up to 8t. The aircraft can be armed with a machine gun, bombs, air-to-air missiles and Oniks (Yakhont) supersonic anti-ship and land-attack missiles. Developed by NPO Mashinostroyeniya, Oniks served as a basis ...
⚠⚠ For now it is not compatible with the versions that are not the MKI. But if you know what you're doing it's simple to modify the files to include it in the liveries of the other versions if you want. For everything related to the Codename Flanker mod:
现代机中最爱的就是苏30系列了,苏30又分mkk系和mki系,还有个单独一架的kn,抛砖引玉发一张苏30谱系图供大家参考 赫叔Huncle 上造 2 gulliver还有一架16438机号的 帝国舰长597 上造 2 nazitank 右庶长 11 感谢19L吧友的补充,查了下gu的官网,是还有一款国机su-27Gulliver World Aircraft Collect...