"disable-stylelint-disable-comprehensive": true would not allow // stylelint-disable alone but force developers to pick the exact rules they want disabled. Then at least there is a bit of reasoning that could be traced by another developer. If one really needs to disable-all in one docume...
Options shared by the: allowEmptyInput CLI flag:--allow-empty-input, --aei Stylelint does not throw an error when glob pattern matches no files. configFile CLI flag:--config Path to a JSON, YAML, or JS file that contains yourconfiguration object. ...
What actually happened (e.g. what warnings or errors did you get)? They were not disabled, receive these errors: src/index.css 6:1 ✖ Expected "*" to have no more than 0 universal selectors selector-max-universal 14:1 ✖ Don't style html elements. It leads to css specificity iss...
Eslint is disabled since its execution has not been approved or denied yet. Use the light bulb menu to open the approval dialog. 说明Eslint被禁用了,虽然配置里无明确的禁用字段,但还是被禁用了。此时移步到VSCode右下角的工具栏,会看到禁用图标+ESLINT的标红按钮,单击它会弹出一个弹框,选择Allow Eve...
and it’stotally unopinionated. Stylelint has over a hundred rules, and the number is growing. Fear not, though: All rules are disabled by default, and you enable only the ones you want. Stylelint can lint not only CSS but alsoSass,SugarSSand any other syntaxes thatPostCSScan parse (be...
Report stylelint-disable comments that don't actually match any lints that need to be disabled. A report* property property. For example: { "reportNeedlessDisables": true}More info. ignoreDisables Ignore stylelint-disable (e.g. /* stylelint-disable block-no-empty */) comments. ...
// 'scss/operator-no-unspaced': true, // Causing url parsing error, temporarily disabled. 'scss/selector-no-redundant-nesting-selector': true, 'scss/no-duplicate-dollar-variables': true, // Order rules 'order/order': [ 'custom-properties', ...
Removestylelint-config-prettierfrom the recommended config.Stylelint v15 deprecated the rules thatstylelint-config-prettierdisabled, thus if you do not use those deprecated rules then you do not needstylelint-config-prettier. If you are still using these deprecated rules then you should install and...
For the full list of enabled, disabled, and unused rules, viewsrc/rules.md. Package Sidebar Install npm istylelint-config-torchbox Repository github.com/torchbox/stylelint-config-torchbox Homepage github.com/torchbox/stylelint-config-torchbox ...
function-url-scheme-whitelist- disabled since we don't have anything to whitelist function-whitelist- disabled since we don't have anything to whitelist Keyframes keyframes-name-pattern- disabled since we don't have any pattern to specify