"C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "K:/dev/npm packages/node_modules/stylelint/bin/stylelint.js" -f json --stdin-filename ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\:/dev/D8/themes/amu_www/css/style.css K:\:\dev\D8\themes\amu_www\css\style.css Error: No configuration provided for K:\...
开始测试这个test.css文件了。 stylelint "/tmp/menu/test.css" Error: No configuration provided for /tmp/menu/test.css at module.exports (/usr/lib/node_modules/stylelint/lib/utils/configurationError.js:8:27) at stylelint._fullExplorer.load.then.then.config (/usr/lib/node_modules/stylelint/l...
I have installed using npm package.json "scripts": { "ng": "ng", "stylelint": "stylelint src/*.css", } when I run command npm run stylelint gets the error No configuration provided for E:\AOTC\IE-SurveySubmission\src\styles.css at module...
开始测试这个test.css文件了。 stylelint "/tmp/menu/test.css" Error: No configuration provided for /tmp/menu/test.css at module.exports (/usr/lib/node_modules/stylelint/lib/utils/configurationError.js:8:27) at stylelint._fullExplorer.load.then.then.config (/usr/lib/node_modules/stylelint/l...
"lintcss": "stylelint 'src/**/*.js'" } 这样,使用npm run lintcss 命令即可实现相同效果 3、如果提示如下错误 Error: No configuration provided for 是因为在根路径下没有发现配置文件,如.stylelintrc 好的代码像粥一样,都是用时间熬出来的
CSS 看似简单,想要写出漂亮的 CSS 还是相当困难。所以校验 CSS 规则的行动迫在眉睫。stylelint是一个强大的现代 CSS 检测器,可以让开发者在样式表中遵循一致的约定和避免错误。本文将详细介绍CSS代码检查工具stylelint 概述 stylelint拥有超过150条的规则,包括捕捉错误、最佳实践、控制可以使用的语言特性和强制代码风格...
Multiple glob patterns can be provided within a single override block. A file must match at least one of the supplied patterns for the configuration to apply. defaultSeverity You can set the default severity level for all rules that do not have a severity specified in their secondary option...
For example, imagine you want to create a plugin that runs at-rule-no-unknown with a built-in list of exceptions for at-rules provided by your preprocessor-of-choice: const allowableAtRules = [ /* .. */ ]; function myPluginRule(primaryOption, secondaryOptionObject) { return (postcssRoot...
Stylelint may not be using the configuration object that you added"no-descending-specificity": nullto. Check that: you only have one.stylelintrcfile,stylelint.config.jsfile orstylelintproperty in yourpackage.jsonfile (seedocs) if using a file, ensure it's named correctly, e.g..styl...
If you lint more than one styling language, then you can use the newoverridesproperty. For example, to lint both CSS andSugarSSyou can update your configuration object to include: { "extends":["stylelint-config-standard"], "overrides":[ ...