StyleTTS:用一条音频生成相似风格的任意语音 蓟梗 11 人赞同了该文章 目录 收起 0 Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Methods【方法】 2.1 Proposed Framework【框架】 2.2 Training Objectives【训练目标】 3 Experiments【实验】 3.1 Datasets【数据集】
Fig1. StyleTTS系统框图 创新点一:StyleEncoder的引入: reference mel -> style encoder -> style representations 创新点二:两阶段训练 基于ground-truth duration/pitch来训练text/style encoder和decoder : The decoder is trained to reconstruct input mel-spectrogram using pitch, energy, phonemes, alignment, ...
而对于 StyleTTS 来说,为了能像真人一样说话,同样需要海量的录音数据供其分析、归纳从而吸收。在 QQ 浏览器「听书」功能中落地为 StyleTTS 提供了丰富的实践反馈,而 AI 朗读技术也将逐渐成熟、音色选择多、丰富流畅,将让听书成为常态。腾讯 PCG AI 交互部相关负责人表示,「听书」是 StyleTTS 现在重要发展的...
在此基础上,搜狗又提出了StyleTTS端到端合成框架,该框架主要包含Encoder文本特征编码、Prosody Extractor/Predictor韵律特征编码与建模、Decoder音色建模三大模块,通过不同人(声)的韵律模型和音色模型重组搭配,能够实现跨发音人的风格控制合成,并拥有抑扬顿挫的韵律节奏和丰富立体的情感表达。此外,模型还加入说话人特征...
站长之家(月22日 消息:StyleTTS2是一款文本转语音模型,旨在通过将风格扩散和对抗训练与大型语音语言模型相结合来实现接近人类水平的语音合成。该模型在原有StyleTTS模型的基础上进行了进一步优化,采用了更加先进的多任务学习技术,使得模型在语音合成方面表现更加出色。
git clone # 克隆代码仓库到本地 cd StyleTTS2 # 进入克隆下来的文件夹 pip install SoundFile torchaudio munch torch pydub pyyaml librosa nltk matplotlib accelerate transformers phonemizer einops einops-exts tqdm typing-extensions git+
git clone Install python requirements: pip install SoundFile torchaudio munch torch pydub pyyaml librosa git+ Download and extract theLJSpeech dataset, unzip to the data folder and upsample the dat...
StyleTTS 2: Towards Human-Level Text-to-Speech through Style Diffusion and Adversarial Training with Large Speech Language Models - megeek/StyleTTS2
The inner classes are there for convenience and provide builders for each TtsSpan type. Java documentation Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by theAndroid Open Source Projectand used according to terms described in theCreative Co...
Text.Style Assembly: Mono.Android.dll A span that supplies additional meta-data for the associated text intended for text-to-speech engines.C# Copier [Android.Runtime.Register("android/text/style/TtsSpan", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)] public class TtsSpan : Java.Lang.Object, Android.Text.I...