* compressed text data with text name types: begin of ty_stxl, tdname type stxl-tdname, clustr type stxl-clustr, clustd type stxl-clustd, end of ty_stxl. data: t_stxl type standard table of ty_stxl. field-symbols: <stxl> type ty_stxl. * compressed text data without text name types...
1、修改表结构配置 删除目标表的CLUSTD字段(该字段为压缩字段,在HANA中不需要存储)在目标表中添加字段TEXT,类型Char132(用于存储转换之后的文本)2、创建基于BOR(记录开始前)事件的分配规则 3、编写包含程序代码 &---**& 包含文件 ZTEST_IMPORT_T...
Hi, I have to download data from table STXL. I am using WS_DOWNLOAD. STXL had a field CLUSTD of length 7902 with type LRAW. After downloading i am getting the following