On the other hand, the standard template library (STL) includes a templated class to handle just this sort of situation: the STL map class, which conceptually you can think of as an "associative array" -- key names are associated with particular values (e.g., you might use a student ...
GitHub 地址→https://github.com/changkun/modern-cpp-tutorial 2.2 进阶指南:CppTemplateTutorial Cpp...
C and Win32 Tutorial C, Win32 & Unicode Code Examples C and Winsock2 Tutorial C, Winsock 2 and IPv6 Tutorial C and Linux Socket Tutorial C++ and Object Oriented Idea Tutorial C and C++ Standard Library Online Documentation C/C++ and Buffer Overflow C++ and Standard Template Library (STL) ...
Brief tutorial CMake-tutorial-pdf.pdf from cmake.org CMake - Sample 1Here are some steps of running CMake:Put the sources (bogo.c) in a directory. In this example, ~/Work/bogo/bogo.c /* bogo.c */ #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("bogo CMake test\n"); } Make a...
3.db_tutorial(5.9k+ star)用 C 从零创建一个简单的数据库。传送门:https://github.com/cstack...
虽然在一些商业游戏引擎中不使用stl自带的模版,但都实现了自己的一套模版库,甚至实现了自己的string库。如今的一 些商业3d引擎基本具备了跨平台的能力, 05 python先生 Python的创始人为吉多·范罗苏姆。1989年的圣诞节期间,吉多·范罗苏姆为了在阿姆斯特丹打发时间,决心开发一个新的脚本解释编程,作为ABC语言的一种...
Standard Template Library (STL): C++ includes STL for data structures and algorithms; C lacks this feature. Exception Handling: C++ has built-in mechanisms for handling errors gracefully; C relies on manual error checking. If you’re planning to develop complex software like games and GUI applica...
One feature of using the reverse member function instead of the STL algorithm reverse (to be discussed later) is that it will not affect the values that any other iterators in use are pointing to. Another potentially useful list function is the member function called unique; unique converts a...
Bo Qian's playlist - Boost Library, C++ Standard Library, Modern C++, Advanced C++, Advanced STL, ... The Cherno's C++ Playlist - Extensive C++ tutorial series by The Cherno. Code for Yourself C++ Playlist - A complete C++ course covering everything from fundamentals to software design.Web...
GitHub 地址→https://github.com/wuye9036/CppTemplateTutorial 三、动手实战 3.1 来实践一下:MyTinySTL 当你学习完 C++ 的“书本”知识后,是不是有些手痒了呢?MyTinySTL 这个注释详细、实践夯实基础的项目便是你 C++ 学习之旅的下一站。作为新手练习用途,MyTinySTL 的作者 Alinshans 用 C++11 重新复写了一...