《STL Tutorial and Reference Guide》是Addison-Wesley Professional出版的图书,作者是David R. Musser,Gillmer J. Derge,Atul Saini。内容简介 "The second edition is clearer and adds more examples on how to use STL in a practical environment. Moreover, it is more concerned with performance and ...
《STL Tutorial and Reference Guide》是Addison-Wesley Professional出版的图书,作者是David R. Musser,Gillmer J. Derge,Atul Saini 内容简介 "The second edition is clearer and adds more examples on how to use STL in a practical environment. Moreover, it is more concerned with performance and ...
STL Tutorial and Reference Guide (2/e)的书评 ··· ( 全部5 条 ) 热门 只看本版本的评论 sindo 2007-12-05 11:20:14 科学出版社2003版 很好的入门书 非常适合初学STL的读者,看完这本书后基本上就可以使用STL写些应用程序了,再推荐看《effective stl》 (展开) 1 0回应 真理使人自由 2014...
In the set version, the iterator returned refers to the position of x in the set, whether or not it was already there, and the bool value is ture if the element was inserted, false if it was already there.
The examples work cumulatively to give a sense of comfortable competence with the algorithms, containers, and iterators used."--Max A. Lebow, Software Engineer, Unisys Corporation The STL Tutorial and Reference Guide is highly acclaimed as the most accessible, comprehensive, and practical introduction...
Musser, A. Saine: "STL Tutorial and Reference Guide: C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library", Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1996.D. Musser and A. Saini. C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library . Addison-Wesley, California, 1996....
它也更大了。书店里还可以找到其他几本关于STL的教科书。去看看,也许你能发现什么。 参考书目 The STL Tutorial and Reference Guide, David Musser and Atul Saini. Addison Wesley 1996. 《STL教程和参考手册》 The C++ Programming Language 3e, Bjarne Stroustrup. Addison Wesley 1997....
使用stl不多的原因之一是,微软的stl文献难以理解。现在没有为vc++程序员而编写的stl书藉,由musser和sauni编写的《stl tutorial and reference guide》是一本关于stl的好书。 stl对c++组件开发很有用,原因是包含了许多数据结构和算法。很多情况下,服务器组件的用途就是处理数据,stl非常合适这一用途。
它也更大了。书店里还可以找到其他几本关于STL的教科书。去看看,也许你能发现什么。 参考书目 The STL Tutorial and Reference Guide, David Musser and Atul Saini. Addison Wesley 1996. 《STL教程和参考手册》 The C++ Programming Language 3e, Bjarne Stroustrup. Addison Wesley 1997. DCW>《技术文档》...
它也更大了。书店里还可以找到其他几本关于STL的教科书。去看看,也许你能发现什么。 参考书目: The STL Tutorial and Reference Guide, David Musser and Atul Saini. Addison Wesley 1996. 《STL教程和参考手册》 The C++ Programming Language 3e, Bjarne Stroustrup. Addison Wesley 1997...